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Dell VxRail Network Planning Guide


Identify external applications and settings for VxRail

VxRail depends specific applications in your data center to be available over your data center network. These data center applications must be accessible to the VxRail management network.

Set the time zone and NTP server

A time zone is required. It is configured on VMware vCenter Server and each ESXi host during VxRail initial configuration.

An NTP server is not required, but it is recommended. If you provide an NTP server, the VMware vCenter Server is configured using it. If you do not provide at least one NTP server, VxRail uses the time that is set on ESXi host #1 (regardless of whether the time is correct or not).

From VxRail 7.0.400 and later, an outside service such as the ones offered by or similar websites are supported. Ensure that the NTP hostname or IP address is accessible from the VxRail External Management Network which the VxRail nodes will be connected to and is functioning properly.

Table 1. Set the time zone and NTP server Set the time zone and hostnames or IP addresses of the NTP server.
Network configuration table Action
Row 16 Enter your time zone.
Row 17 Enter the hostnames or IP addresses of your NTP servers.

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