Identify IP addresses for VxRail management components
If you plan to auto-assign the IP addresses for the VMware ESXi hosts that serve as the foundation for VxRail nodes, request your networking team to reserve a large pool of unused IP addresses.
Use the following tables to record the IP address ranges.
Table 1. Record the IP address range for the VMware ESXi hostsRecord the IP address range for the VMware ESXi hosts.
Network configuration table
Row 34 and 35
Enter the starting and ending IPv4 addresses for the VMware ESXi hosts. A continuous IP range is required.
Row 36 and 37
Enter the starting and ending IPv6 addresses for the VMware ESXi hosts. A continuous IP range is required.
If you choose to assign the IP addresses to each individual VMware ESXi host, record the IP address for each VMware ESXi host to be included for VxRail initial build.
Table 2. Record the IPv4/IPv6 address of each VMware ESXi hostRecord the IPv4/IPv6 address of each VMware ESXi host.
Network configuration table
Row 38 to 41
Enter the IPv4 addresses for the VMware ESXi hosts.
Row 42 to 45
Enter the IPv6 addresses for the VMware ESXi hosts.
Record the permanent IPv4/IPv6 address for VxRail Manager. This is required.
Table 3. Record the permanent IPv4/IPv6 address for VxRail ManagerRecord the permanent IPv4/IPv6 address for VxRail Manager.
Network configuration table
Row 23
Enter the IPv4 address for VxRail Manager.
Row 24
Enter the IPv6 address for VxRail Manager.
If you are going to deploy the embedded VMware vCenter Server on the VxRail cluster provided with VxRail, record the permanent IP address for VMware vCenter Server. Leave these entries blank if you are going to provide an external VMware vCenter Server for VxRail.
Table 4. Record the permanent IP address for VMware vCenter ServerRecord the permanent IPv4/IPv6 address for VMware vCenter Server.
Network configuration table
Row 47
Enter the IPv4 address for VxRail vCenter Server.
Row 48
Enter the IPv6 address for VxRail vCenter Server.
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