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Dell VxRail Network Planning Guide


Plan network settings for VxRail management components

From the initial build of the VxRail cluster, the IP addresses that are assigned to the VxRail components which are members of the external management network and the VMware vCenter Server management network, must adhere to the following requirements:

  • The scheme must be a public IP address range.
  • Fixed (no DHCP).
  • Cannot be in use.
  • The range must all be in the same subnet.

You have some flexibility in how the IP addresses are assigned to the VxRail management components.

For the VMware ESXi hosts:
  • You can manually assign the IP addresses to the VMware ESXi hosts.
  • You can have the IP addresses auto-assigned during VxRail initial build.
The decisions that you make on the final VxRail configuration that is planned for your data center impacts the number of IP addresses you must reserve.
  • Decide if you want to reserve additional IP addresses for VxRail management to assign to VxRail nodes in the future for expansion purposes in a single rack. When a new node is added to an existing VxRail cluster, it assigns an IP address from the unused reserve pool, or prompts you to enter an IP address manually if none are in reserve and unused.
  • Decide whether you are going to use the VMware vCenter Server instance that is deployed in the VxRail cluster or use an external VMware vCenter Server already operational in your data center.
    • If you use the VMware vCenter Server instance that is supplied by VxRail, you must reserve an IP address for VMware vCenter Server.
  • Decide if you are going to use VMware vSphere Log Insight that can be deployed in the VxRail cluster.
    • For VxRail version 7.0 and earlier, if you use the VMware vCenter Server instance that is deployed in the VxRail cluster, you have the option to deploy VMware vSphere Log Insight on the cluster. You can also choose to connect to an existing syslog server in your data center, or no logging at all. If you choose to deploy VMware vSphere Log Insight in the VxRail cluster, you must reserve one IP address.
    • VMware vRealize Log Insight is not an option for deployment during the initial VxRail configuration process starting with version 7.0.010.
    • If you use an external VMware vCenter Server already operational in your data center for VxRail, VMware vSphere Log Insight cannot be deployed.

Request your networking team to reserve a subnet range that has sufficient open IP addresses to cover VxRail initial build and any planned future expansion.

Use the following table to determine the number of public IP addresses required for external connectivity:

Table 1. IP addresses required for external connectivityIP addresses required for external connectivity.
Component Condition
VxRail Node One per VxRail node if single-stack, two per VxRail node for dual-stack
VxRail Manager One for single-stack, two for dual-stack
VMware vCenter Server
  • If you are supplying VMware vCenter Server for VxRail: 0
  • If VxRail is supplying VMware vCenter Server: One for single-stack, two for dual-stack

Depending on whether VxRail is being deployed with either single-stack or dual-stack networking, your networking team must provide the IPv4 or IPv6 network settings for the VxRail External Management Network. Use the following tables to capture these values:

Table 2. External management network settings for IPv4 networking External management network settings for IPv4 networking
Network configuration table Action
Row 8 Enter the IPv4 subnet mask for the VxRail External Management network.
Row 9 Enter the IPv4 gateway for the VxRail External Management network.
Table 3. External management network settings for IPv6 networking External management network settings for IPv6 networking
Network configuration table Action
Row 10 Enter the IPv6 subnet mask for the VxRail External Management network.
Row 11 Enter the IPv6 gateway for the VxRail External Management network.

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