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Dell VxRail Network Planning Guide


Pre-defined network profile: 2x10gb or 2x25gb from a single NDC/OCP

Figure 1. VxRail nodes with two 10 Gb or 25 Gb NDC/OCP ports connected to two ToR switches, and one optional connection to management switch for iDRAC
VxRail nodes with two 10 Gb or 25 Gb NDC/OCP ports connected to two ToR switches, and one optional connection to management switch for iDRAC

With this predefined profile, VxRail selects the two ports on the NDC/OCP to support VxRail networking. If the NDC/OCP adapter on the VxRail nodes is shipped with four Ethernet ports, the two left most ports are selected. If you choose to use only two Ethernet ports, the remaining ports can be used for other use cases. This connectivity option is the simplest to deploy. It is suitable for smaller, less demanding workloads that can tolerate the loss of the NDC/OCP adapter as a single point of failure.

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