VxRail requires access to web services outside your data center for certain features and functionality to work.
VxRail can be deployed and operated in a data center where access to the external network is blocked. Certain features may be inoperable and a workaround may be needed.
The VMware-branded software that is deployed on VxRail requires a VMware license.
You can configure VxRail to register directly with Dell support through VxRail Manager to streamline access to support services and product updates. You can also configure VxRail Manager to directly connect with Dell Support services or to use a proxy server to align with your networking security policies.
Dell call-home enables VxRail Manager to directly contact Support services in the event of a serious or critical failure on the cluster. You can deploy the secure connect gateway virtual appliance in the customer data center to consolidate call-home connectivity for Dell products in the data center.
If external network access to these sites is not allowed for VxRail:
Work with VMware or your VMware partner to understand the licensing options.
Download software updates without the aid of VxRail Manager and then transport to the data center for upload to VxRail Manager.
Dell support personnel are not able to configure a remote session to troubleshoot VxRail.
The data center network must be configured to enable VxRail to connect to these external sites for the described functionality and services to work. For more information about the firewall rules for these services, see
Appendix D: VxRail Open Ports Requirements.
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