Skip this section if your VxRail version is not 7.0.130 or later, and you do not plan to enable LAG against one or more VxRail networks on the customer-managed VMware VDS.
From VxRail 7.0.130 and later, you can configure LAG against the VxRail non-management networks, which include the vSAN network and VMware vSphere vMotion network.
Ensure that you meet the following prerequisites to enable LAG on the VxRail non-management networks:
There is a requirement for four ports from each VxRail node to support VxRail networking, these can include additionally installed PCIe adapters.
Two ports to support VxRail management networks. LAG is not supported on these networks.
Two ports to support VxRail non-management networks. LAG is supported on these networks.
LAG can be configured on the vSAN network, VMware vSphere vMotion network, or both.
If you are not configuring LAG on the VMware vSphere vMotion network, assign this network to the same uplinks supporting the VxRail management networks.
Configure the adjacent ToR switches to support LAG. See the guides provided by your switch vendor to perform this task.
Complete the following tasks on the VMware VDS on your customer-managed VMware vCenter Server instance to support LAG:
Configure an LACP policy on the VMware VDS.
Figure 1. Sample LACP policy configured on VMware VDS
Configure the teaming and failover policy on the port groups that are targeted for LAG.
Figure 2. Sample LACP policy configured as active uplink in teaming and failover policy
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