Reserve IPv4/IPv6 addresses for VxRail vSAN network
You can skip this section if your plans do not include configuring vSAN as the primary storage for your VxRail cluster.
An IP address is required for the vSAN network for each VMware ESXi host in the VxRail cluster, if vSAN is the primary storage that is planned for the cluster. A private address range is acceptable unless you decide you may expand beyond one rack and want to use a different subnet for the expansion racks.
From VxRail 7.0.010 and later, you can choose to have the IP addresses assigned automatically during the VxRail initial build, or manually select the IP addresses for each ESXi host. If the VxRail version is earlier than 7.0.010, the auto-assignment method by VxRail is the only option. For the auto-assignment method, the IPaddresses for the initial build of the VxRail cluster must be contiguous, with the specified range in a sequential order. The IP address range must be large enough to cover the number of ESXi hosts planned for the VxRail cluster. A larger IP address range can be specified to cover for planned expansion.
For the IPv4/IPv6 address auto-assignment method, record the IP address range.
Table 1. Record the IPv4/IPv6ddress range for VMware vSAN auto-assignment method Record the IPv4/IPv6 address range for the auto-assignment method.
Network configuration table
Rows 78 and 79
Enter the starting and ending IPv4 addresses for vSAN.
Rows 80 and 81
Enter the starting and ending IPv6 addresses for vSAN.
For the manual assignment method, record the IPv4/IPv6 addresses.
Table 2. Record the IPv4/IPv6 addresses for the VMware vSAN manual assignment method Record the IPv4/IPv6 addresses for the manual assignment method.
Network configuration table
Rows 82-85
Enter the IPv4 addresses for vSAN.
Rows 86-89
Enter the IPv6 addresses for vSAN.
Enter the subnet mask and gateway for the vSAN network. You can use the default gateway that is assigned to the VxRail External Management network if you do not enable routing for this network, or enter a gateway to enable routing for the vSAN network.
Table 3. Record the subnet mask and gateway Record the subnet mask and gateway.
Network configuration table
Row 90
Enter the IPv4 subnet mask for vSAN.
Row 91
Enter the IPv4 gateway for vSAN. The IPv4 default gateway can be updated if routing is required.
Row 92
Enter the IPv6 prefix for vSAN.
Row 93
Enter the IPv6 gateway for vSAN. The default IPv6 gateway can be updated if routing is required.
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