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Dell VxRail Network Planning Guide


Satellite nodes

For cost efficiency and economies of scale, you can position a VxRail cluster at a central location to monitor and manage pools of VxRail satellite nodes, deployed locally and at remote locations.

Figure 1. VxRail satellite nodes managed by VxRail cluster. VxRail satellite nodes managed by VxRail cluster
VxRail satellitenodes managed by VxRail cluster

The PowerEdge models used as the hardware foundation for the other VxRail cluster types are the same for satellite nodes. Satellite nodes go through the same engineering, qualification, and manufacturing processes as the VxRail nodes used in clusters, and software life cycle management of satellite nodes is supported through VxRail Manager.

The difference between satellite nodes and the nodes supporting other cluster types is that satellite nodes require only a single IP address. This IP address is used to enable connectivity to a VxRail cluster in a central location and establish communication for management purposes.

To deploy VxRail satellite nodes, note the following:
  • A compatible VxRail cluster with local vSAN storage must already be deployed to support the management and monitoring of satellite nodes.
  • The minimum VxRail software version to support satellite nodes is 7.0.320.
  • VxRail satellite nodes are limited to a single instance and cannot be reconfigured to join a cluster.
  • Verify that your workload requirements at the remote locations do not exceed the resource capacity of a satellite node.

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