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Dell VxRail Network Planning Guide


Select VMware ESXi hostnames

All VxRail nodes in a cluster require hostnames.

From VxRail 7.0.010 and later, you can use any host naming convention as long as it is a legitimate format.

You can also have VxRail auto-assign the hostnames to the ESXi nodes following VxRail rules automatically during the VxRail initial build process. To have VxRail auto-assign the hostnames during the cluster initial build, verify that you follow the rules in this section.

All ESXi hostnames in a VxRail cluster are defined by a naming convention that consists of:

  • An ESXi hostname prefix (an alphanumeric string)
  • A separator (“None” or a dash ”-“)
  • An iterator (Alpha, Num X, or Num 0X)
  • An offset (empty or numeric)
  • A suffix (empty or alphanumeric string with no .)
  • A domain

The Preview field that is shown during VxRail initialization is an example of the hostname of the first ESXi host. For example, if the prefix is host, the separator is None, the iteration is Num 0X, the offset is empty, and the suffix is lab, and the domain is local, the first ESXi hostname would be host01lab.local. The domain is also automatically applied to the VxRail management components. For example: my-vcenter.local.

Table 1. VMware ESXi hostname examplesHostname examples as per the parameters.
Parameter Example 1 Example 2 Example 3
Prefix host myname esxi-host
Separator None N/A N/A
Iterator Num 0X Num X Alpha
Offset N/A 4 N/A
Suffix N/A lab N/A
Domain local
Resulting hostname host01.local

Enter the values for building and auto-assigning the ESXi hostnames if that is the chosen method.

Table 2. Fields to auto-assign the VMware ESXi hostnames Fields to auto-assign the VMware ESXi hostnames
Network configuration table Action
Row 25 to 29 Enter an example of your chosen ESXi host-naming scheme. Be sure to show your chosen prefix, separator, iterator, offset, suffix, and domain.
Table 3. Manual assignment of VMware ESXi hostnames Manual assignment of VMware ESXi hostnames
Network configuration table Action
Row 30 to 33 Enter the reserved hostname for each VMware ESXi host.

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