For VxRail 7.0.010 and later, you can use internal DNS with a VxRail-managed VMware vCenter Server or use external DNS in your data center.
If you choose to use internal DNS, skip the steps that are mentioned here to set up DNS.
If the internal DNS option is not selected, one or more external, customer-managed DNS servers are required for VxRail. The DNS server for VxRail must support naming services for all the VxRail management components (VxRail Manager, VMware vCenter Server, and so on). Ensure that the DNS IP address is accessible from the network to which VxRail Manager is connected and is functioning properly.
Table 1. IPv4/IPv6 addresses for DNS servers IPv4/IPv6 addresses for your DNS servers.
Network configuration table
Row 18
Enter the IPv4 addresses for your DNS servers.
Row 19
Enter the IPv6 addresses for your DNS servers.
Create lookup records in DNS for every VxRail management component that you are deploying in the cluster and assigning a hostname and IP address. These components can include VxRail Manager, VxRail vCenter Server, VMware vShere Log Insight, and each VMware ESXi host in the VxRail cluster. The DNS entries must support both forward and reverse lookup.
Use the
Appendix A: VxRail Network Configuration Table to determine which VxRail management components to include in your planned VxRail cluster and have assigned a hostname and IP address. VMware vSphere vMotion and vSAN IP addresses do not require host names, so no entries are required in the DNS server.
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