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Dell PowerEdge M1000e Chassis Management Controller Firmware Version 5.1 User’s Guide


Parsing Rules

  • Lines that start with a hash character (#) are treated as comments.

    A comment line must start in column one. A "#" character in any other column is treated as a # character.

    Some modem parameters may include # characters in their strings. An escape character is not required. You may want to generate a .cfg from a racadm getconfig -f <filename> .cfg command, and then perform a racadm config -f <filename> .cfg command to a different CMC, without adding escape characters.

    For example:
                                              # This is a comment
                                              cfgUserAdminPageModemInitString= <Modem init # not
                                              a comment>
  • All group entries must be surrounded by open- and close-brackets ([ and ]).
    The starting [ character that denotes a group name must be in column one. This group name must be specified before any of the objects in that group. Objects that do not include an associated group name generate an error. The configuration data is organized into groups as defined in the database property chapter of the Chassis Management Controller for Dell PowerEdge M1000e RACADM Command Line Reference Guide . The following example displays a group name, object, and the object’s property value:
    [cfgLanNetworking] -{group name}
                                              cfgNicIpAddress= {object name}
                                              {object value}
  • All parameters are specified as "object=value" pairs with no white space between the object, =, or value. White spaces that are included after the value are ignored. A white space inside a value string remains unmodified. Any character to the right of the = (for example, a second =, a #, [, ], and so on) is taken as-is. These characters are valid modem chat script characters.
    [cfgLanNetworking] -{group name}
                                           cfgNicIpAddress= {object value}
  • The .cfg parser ignores an index object entry.

    You cannot specify which index is used. If the index already exists, it is either used or the new entry is created in the first available index for that group.

    The racadm getconfig -f <filename>.cfg command places a comment in front of index objects, allowing you to see the included comments.
    • NOTE: You may create an indexed group manually using the following command:
      racadm config -g <groupname>  -o <anchored object> -i <index 1-16> <unique anchor name>
  • The line for an indexed group cannot be deleted from a .cfg file. If you do delete the line with a text editor, RACADM stops when it parses the configuration file and alert you of the error.
    You must remove an indexed object manually using the following command:
    racadm config -g <groupname>  -o <objectname> -i <index 1-16> ""
    • NOTE: A NULL string (identified by two " characters) directs the CMC to delete the index for the specified group.
    To view the contents of an indexed group, run the following command:
    racadm getconfig -g <groupname> -i <index 1-16>
  • For indexed groups the object anchor must be the first object after the [ ] pair. The following are examples of the current indexed groups:
                                           cfgUserAdminUserName= <USER_NAME>
  • When using remote RACADM to capture the configuration groups into a file, if a key property within a group is not set, the configuration group is not saved as part of the configuration file. To replicate these configuration groups on other CMCs, set the key property before executing the getconfig -f command. Alternatively, enter the missing properties into the configuration file manually after running the getconfig -f command. This is true for all the racadm indexed groups.

    This is the list of the indexed groups that exhibit this behavior and their corresponding key properties:

    • cfgUserAdmin — cfgUserAdminUserName
    • cfgEmailAlert — cfgEmailAlertAddress
    • cfgTraps — cfgTrapsAlertDestIPAddr
    • cfgStandardSchema — cfgSSADRoleGroupName
    • cfgServerInfo — cfgServerBmcMacAddress

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