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Dell PowerVault MD 32XX/36XX Series Storage Arrays CLI Guide


Setting Consistency Group Attributes

To change or set the properties for a snapshot consistency group, use the set consistencyGroup command:
set consistencyGroup ["
                                 consistencyGroupName"] [userLabel="
                                 consistencyGroupName" | repositoryFullPolicy=(failBaseWrites | purgeSnapImages)| repositoryFullLimit=percentValue| autoDeleteLimit=
                                 numberOfSnapImages| rollbackPriority=(lowest | low | medium | high | highest)] 

The repositoryFullPolicy parameter determines how you want snapshot processing to continue if the snapshot repository virtual disks are full. You can choose to fail writes to the base virtual disk ( failBaseWrites) or delete ( purgeSnapImages) the snapshot images. The default action is to delete the images.

The repositoryFullLimit controls the percentage of repository capacity at which you receive a warning that the snapshot repository virtual disk is nearing full. Use integer values. autoDeleteLimit configures the automatic deletion thresholds of snapshot images to keep the total number of snapshot images in the snapshot group at or below a designated level. When this option is enabled, then any time a new snapshot image is created in the snapshot group, the system automatically deletes the oldest snapshot image in the group to comply with the limit value. This action frees repository capacity so it can be used to satisfy ongoing copy-on-write requirements for the remaining snapshot images.

The rollBackPriority parameter sets priority level for a consistency group rollback in an operational storage array.

For example, use this command on a consistency group named CGGroup_1:
set consistencyGroup ["CGGroup_1"] autoDeleteLimit=6 rollbackPriority=low;
Valid values are highest, high, medium, low, or lowest. The rollback priority defines the amount of system resources that should be allocated to the rollback operation at the expense of system performance. A value of high indicates that the rollback operation is prioritized over all other host I/O. Lower values indicate that the rollback operation should be performed with minimal impact to host I/O.

autoDeleteLimit allows you to configure each snapshot group to perform automatic deletion of its snapshot images to keep the total number of snapshot images in the snapshot group at or below a maximum number of images. When the number of snapshot images in the snapshot group is at the maximum limit, the autoDeleteLimit parameter automatically deletes snapshot images whenever a new snapshot image is created in the snapshot group. The oldest snapshot images in the snapshot group until the maximum number of images defined with the parameter is met. Deleting snapshot images frees repository capacity so it can be used to satisfy ongoing copy-on-write requirements for the remaining snapshot images.

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