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Dell PowerVault MD 32XX/36XX Series Storage Arrays CLI Guide


Show SSD Cache


This command displays information about the SSD cache.


show ssdCache [


Parameter Description
ssdCache The alphanumeric identifier (including - and _) of the SSD cache for which you want to get information. Enclose the identifier in square brackets ([ ]). If the SSD cache name contains special characters or consists only of numbers, you also must enclose the identifier in double quotation marks (" ") inside square brackets.


This command returns the SSD cache information similar to this example.

SSD Cache name: my_cache
Status: Optimal
Type: Read Only
I/O characteristic type: File System
Maximum capacity allowed: 1,862.645 GB
Current capacity: 557.792 GB
Additional capacity allowed 1,304.852 GB
Physical disk capacities: All 278.896 GB
Data Service (DS) Attributes
Security capable: No
Secure: No
Data Assurance (DA) capable: No
Associated physical disks:
Enclosure Slot
0 4
0 11
Virtual disks using SSD cache: virtualDisk_test

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