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Dell OpenManage Deployment Toolkit Version 4.3 User's Guide


Specifying Variables Used To Create Disk Partitions And Install The Dell Utility Partition

  • NOTE: If the primary deployment state ( DT_PARTN) is set to OFF, the partitioning deployment state subsection is skipped.

The PARTCFG.BAT (Windows) or partcfg.sh (Linux) sample script provides the following disk partitioning default values. These values must be confirmed in some cases, and modified in other cases, before performing a deployment. Locate the partn label to find the following lines:

                                    set DT_MOUNT=H
                                    :: Default Hard Drive
                                    set DT_HD=0
                                    :: PARTCFG section
                                    set DT_OS_SIZE=4000
                                    set DT_OS_FSTYPE=FAT32
                                    if not "%DT_PARTN_UP%"=="ON" goto ospart
                                    :: DELLUP section
                                    set DT_UP_SIZE=32
                                    set DT_UP_IMAGE=%DT_SYSTEMS%\UPIMG.BIN
                                    :: RAIDCFG section:: default size for virtual disk
                                    set DT_VD_SIZE=10480
                                    :: default size for virtual disk
In partcfg.sh in BIOS mode:
                                    # Default Hard Drive
                                    # deployment section
                                    set DT_DP_SIZE=64
                                    # DELL UP section
                                    set DT_UP_SIZE=32
                                    set DT_UP_IMAGE=$dt_systems/upimg.bin
                                    # RAIDCFG section
                                    # default size for virtual disk
  • CAUTION: DT_MOUNT specifies the mount point of the Dell utility partition. If your RAMDRIVE, hard drive, or other device already owns this designation, mount does not override the setting and the utility partition is not created.
In partcfg.sh in UEFI mode:
                                    # Default Hard Drive
                                    # PARTCFG section
                                    set DT_DP_SIZE_GPT=125
                                    # RAIDCFG section
                                    # default size for virtual disk

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