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August 5th, 2022 06:00

Aurora R14, CPU upgrade info

Alienware Aurora Ryzen Edition R14

Alienware Aurora Ryzen Edition R14

Currently I have the Aurora Ryzen R14. I purchased the PC from Amazon. At the time I had no idea about pre-builds. But I Love it. No issues so far. But I did learn that some of the parts are low end or baseline, I guess? So, I'm thinking about upgrading from the 5900 to 5900x. Is this possible and if so, would it be worth it?  My Specs:

 Alienware Aurora Ryzen Edition R14

Processor: AMD Ryzen 9 5900 12-Core Processor (24 CPUs), ~3.0GHz

RAM Installed- 32Gb

 NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 10GB

1TB NV Me M.2 PCIe SSD (Boot) + 2TB 7200RPM SATA 6Gb/s (Storage)

750W Platinum Rated Power Supply, Liquid-Cooled

6 Professor


6.1K Posts

August 5th, 2022 07:00

You sure can: Aurora R14 specifications 


One thing to be aware off is processor cooling. The higher grade CPU's like the 5950X, will require better cooling than what your current CPU requires.

So hopefully you have liquid cooling.


The RTX 3080 will not bottleneck with your current CPU, so again your actual gaming gains might be minimal. The 5900 is a very capable CPU.

Overall you have a good specced machine and upgrades will not provide any huge performance increases for general use.

August 5th, 2022 06:00

Ok, that is what I was thinking as well. Would I be able to go up to the 5950x?

6 Professor


6.1K Posts

August 5th, 2022 06:00

From a 5900 to a 5900X?


AMD Ryzen 9 5900X
12 Cores - 3700 MHz - 105 watts
Very small upgrade, not worth the cost. You are talking here about a 3-5% performance gain over what you currently have.

4 Operator


2.1K Posts

August 5th, 2022 07:00

I agree with previous assessment that your R14 specs are surprisingly good for an Amazon purchase. Keep a watch on your CPU & GPU temps during idle and stressed (gaming, if that is what you do). Let us know how your temps are running and perhaps we may recommend some additional cooling mods.

If you were going to make an upgrade at this point . . . consider changing the HDD spinner to an SSD. Drop a photo of the inside of your R14, if you don't mind sharing.

Enjoy your new rig!

August 5th, 2022 17:00

Thank you for commenting. After posting my questions on a few different sites I have learned a lot. And realize that I have a Great & very capable Pc. As far was my temps go, I don't think I'm having a problem. On idle my GPU runs about 55 Celsius & so far, I have not seen it go above 75 Celsius. CPU is at 40 Celsius on idle and I don't think I've seen it get much higher than 75 either. This is with my cooling system in "Performance" in the AWCC. 




4 Operator


2.1K Posts

August 5th, 2022 18:00

That's awesome! . . . and thanks for the photos!

If "Performance" gets too noisy for your liking, you can swap to more quiet fans and add an additional front intake fan. Your temps seem pretty reasonable considering the 120mm cooling solution. Good Luck!

6 Professor


6.1K Posts

August 6th, 2022 06:00

You know what is interesting? I use the exact same video card that I pulled from my R10 and put into an aftermarket case with much better airflow and almost whisper silent.

Mine records 33 Celsius idle with room temperature around 21 Celsius. That is an amazing difference...

4 Operator


2.1K Posts

August 6th, 2022 10:00

Big air flow for air cooling . . . big radiator for liquid cooling. The Aurora series has neither. Your after market case surely has better air flow than my Area 51, but I am liquid cooled with a large radiator. At 22C ambient my 3080 FE idles at 26C, and it is in the same loop as a 165 watt overclocked CPU that is currently sitting at 24C.

(click photo to embiggen)

Area 51 Idle Temp.JPG

August 6th, 2022 13:00

Very Nice!! At first glance I thought I was looking at a photo of my own AWCC since we both have same color option at the moment! Haha. 

Thanks for the photo. I notice a few things. I know my questions are probably very basic and probably almost common sense to you, but I'm new to Pc gaming & hope you don't mind sharing a little knowledge. 

You mention your CPU is overclocked. Is that done with the AWCC? I see you have the same tab next to your GPU OVERVIEW in which gives the option to adjust Memory Clock or Core Clock mhz? Is that where you are overclocking CPU? I have not made adjustments on either. Only adjustments I've made is in the tab I have next to the Memory Clock also called Advance View which raised frequency 2666 to 3200. And then I compared the readings below the DRAM, the tCL, tRCD, etc., all your readings are at 1. All of mine are at 20 with the tRAS at 52? 

I know it would probably take days, months to explain all of this to me on here, but maybe you could give me just the gist of it?

Screenshot 2022-08-06 150343.png

6 Professor


6.1K Posts

August 6th, 2022 14:00

Yes, but you are allowing the GPU to run below 1710 Mhz. lol.


6 Professor


6.1K Posts

August 6th, 2022 14:00

The memory readings are incorrect, they cannot be at 1. Yours are likely correct.

You should use CPU-Z for proper memory readings. It's a free download.


4 Operator


2.1K Posts

August 6th, 2022 18:00

This is what my CPU-Z Memory tabs look like

Area 51 Memory.jpg


4 Operator


2.1K Posts

August 6th, 2022 18:00

I did not make any adjustments the the graphics card, so I am not sure what that means.

4 Operator


2.1K Posts

August 6th, 2022 18:00

I am also new to AWCC and I do not particularly like it (or understand it). I overclocked my CPU by changing the clock multipliers in BIOS, and I selected the RAM XMP profile from BIOS also.

August 7th, 2022 00:00

Ok! Very nice! So, the readings I was speaking of are associated with the timing. I'm learning! haha. Well, thanks for your help. I don't know if you game, but you can find me most places as "Roughneckk95"

Thanks again! Have a good one!

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