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This post is more than 5 years old


September 22nd, 2015 14:00

Optiplex 740 cctk.exe --autoon Says option not available but it should be

When we try to run Command Configure to set the BIOS to turn on every morning at 6am it says option --autoon not available. Only on the Optiplex 740s. The 580s, 9010, 9020s all work fine.

We can even run cctk.exe --autonhr=6 --autonmn=0. That works, but just plain --autoon says that option is not available. Can anyone help? Thanks!

9 Legend


47K Posts

September 24th, 2015 13:00

You are in the wrong forum

How can I get help for a specific command in the CCTK command line?

Type cctk –h where the command is the specific command. Example: cctk –h --tpm



The following steps should be followed for enabling and activating a TPM:

a. Update the system to the latest version of BIOS to make sure it supports enabling and activating a TPM through CCTK.

b. Enable the TPM: cctk --tpm=on

c. Optional: Reboot the system. Some models require this step while other models do not.

d. Set the BIOS password: cctk --setuppwd=

e. Activate the TPM: cctk --tpmactivation=activate --valsetuppwd=

f. Optional: Reboot the system. Some models require this step while other models do not.

e. Check that the TPM is enabled and activated: cctk --tpm –-tpmactivation


4 Posts

September 25th, 2015 09:00

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