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This post is more than 5 years old


June 1st, 2014 19:00

Dell XPS 15 9530 will not wake after sleeping

I got my XPS 3 days ago and I've had the lingering issue of the computer not wanting to wake from sleep when I try to open the laptop again. The keyboard and power button lights up like it's working, but the screen never comes back on and I have to restart the computer. Any suggestions for this new computer to work without crashing?

4 Posts

July 13th, 2014 08:00

Same machine, same issue here. Refuses to wake from sleep. Must hit power off, wait then hit again. Closing and reopening lid works sometimes. Had a different Dell some years ago that did the same thing. Apparently they haven't learned much about debugging, as it doesn't get much simpler than successfully powering.

1 Message

December 16th, 2014 07:00

I'm having the same issue.  Mine is randomly powering itself off and anytime I put it to sleep it doesnt want to wake up.  I have to hold the power button down to shut it off and then start it back up.

January 18th, 2015 02:00

Similar problem, my XPS 15 9530 has never liked waking from Suspend or hibernate (especially when on mains power). Have had to unplug the power cable (and USB mouse strangely) and then it usually resumes or I have to hold the power button down and reboot completely. Now it doesn't turn on at all, regardless of how it's powered and length of time holding the power button - anyone know of a way of kicking it back into life? I guess a call to Dell will be needed on Monday. Not impressed so far...

10 Posts

January 27th, 2015 00:00

Did any of you guys fix the issues with the 9530.  I have had my machine for about 3 months now and it just started doing it - I am so confident that this is a Windows update issue, not a Dell issue.  

January 27th, 2015 13:00

Not here, mine seems to be a hardware issue as it won't boot or power on at all now but the previous issue might have been software. I've made contact with Dell technical support 3 times on the phone, they've missed 2 call-backs and so far have not been any help. Sending it back to the shop as it's been faulty since I received it. Never buying a Dell again.

16 Posts

January 28th, 2015 16:00

Hi! I want to join in on this thread as I am having issues like this as well.
I have posted a lengthy log of what I have been dong with my laptop here:


However I also like to add that now it has for the 3rd time ended up not going into POST.

The last thing I did was to only disable external USB devices in BIOS, reboot the computer and then try to put it to sleep.

I suggest for some that they should try to make a bootable USB stick with some version of Linux  that lets you suspend the computer (don't think bash/terminal only will do) In my case it didn't resume from sleep at all. basically shut down. didn't even have to hold the power button most times.

I'm looking for some kind of instruction booklet for the computer, though I have stumbled upon it a few times I can't seem to find it anymore. Why do you prevent me from using google to access the site dell? (I get sent to the products page when I click a google link) really annoying!

I will be visited by a technician soon I think. they are awaiting parts.
This is a shame since I got the computer January 9th, (ordered during Christmas,) and I still haven't got it working! This is the worst! It's not long till the new models start rolling out, XPS 13 is already out with a 5th gen i7 processor and hugely increased battery life. It can't be that long until the new XPS 15 rolls out either as this build has been the same for over a year!

16 Posts

January 29th, 2015 03:00

The technician was in today and switched the motherboard for the third time.

In addition he switched what he called the powerboard, (Which i assume is the part where the computer connects to the mains and alternates between charging/battery etc.

and to be sure he also switched out my power adapter (brick)

Low and behold. As I'm typing this the computer seems to be working fine.
It is however a little unresponsive when waking, but it actually does wake as apposed to restart.

It doesn't wake as I open the lid, don't know if that is intentional. But when i quickly press the power button, (sometimes I need to press it two times) it actually resumes where I left it.

January 29th, 2015 13:00

Good luck!

I got through to a more helpful tech service agent today and mine's getting picked up tomorrow to be sent to the service center. Am assuming that the current problem where the laptop doesn't power on at all will get fixed as it's pretty easy to verify that it's solved, although I'm not sure about the previous waking from suspend/hibernate issue as I'm not sure if it's HW or SW related.

16 Posts

January 29th, 2015 17:00

My computer seems to be working fine now. In the time of my last post I had Intel rapid start to initiate instantly. Which actually will cause the system to shut down. I set it to 15 min and the computer sleeps/wakes as expected.

After 3 motherboard swaps, replacing the actual power circuitry seems to have resolved it. I remember hearing that if it is faulty it will actually damage the motherboard.

I recommend requesting that part to be switched as well before getting it back. Or you'll end up in the same cycle as me. Only I demanded onsite repairs after first shipping it in, as I wanted to see the repair process first hand. The technician doesn't do anything other than swapping parts that have to be ordered, if you haven't specified the parts that you suspect being faulty they will not test anything else. I actually had to opt in on the phonecall the technician had during his assembly as the parts didn't solve it the first time on site. I'll repost here if anything changes.

(Forgive any typos I'm writing this in a bar)

10 Posts

January 29th, 2015 19:00

I personally think you should demand exchange of the laptop.  Depending on what type of warranty you have, this may or may not be an easy task.

Not here, mine seems to be a hardware issue as it won't boot or power on at all now but the previous issue might have been software. I've made contact with Dell technical support 3 times on the phone, they've missed 2 call-backs and so far have not been any help. Sending it back to the shop as it's been faulty since I received it. Never buying a Dell again.

10 Posts

January 29th, 2015 19:00

My computer seems to be working fine now. In the time of my last post I had Intel rapid start to initiate instantly. Which actually will cause the system to shut down. I set it to 15 min and the computer sleeps/wakes as expected.

After 3 motherboard swaps, replacing the actual power circuitry seems to have resolved it. I remember hearing that if it is faulty it will actually damage the motherboard.

I recommend requesting that part to be switched as well before getting it back. Or you'll end up in the same cycle as me. Only I demanded onsite repairs after first shipping it in, as I wanted to see the repair process first hand. The technician doesn't do anything other than swapping parts that have to be ordered, if you haven't specified the parts that you suspect being faulty they will not test anything else. I actually had to opt in on the phonecall the technician had during his assembly as the parts didn't solve it the first time on site. I'll repost here if anything changes.

(Forgive any typos I'm writing this in a bar)

You have a lot of patience - I would have lost it long time ago.  I have requested exchange of my device - they proposed to have technician come out but those guys are clumsy, i don't want to deal with it.

3 Posts

February 1st, 2015 05:00

I have an XPS 15 9530 with identical problem.

It took two onsite visits from technician to fix it. First time, they replaced the motherboard. Strangely, it made the problem somewhat better (less frequent, but not 100% solved). The second time they replaced the motherboard again and also the power plug.

It now works perfectly.

Hope this helps.

Incidentally, I just got an external monitor and keyboard and mouse to use this machine as my desktop replacement. I cannot get it to wake from sleep with the external keyboard or mouse. I have to open the lid and then press the power key. Incredibly annoying!! There is no longer a setting in the BIOS to allow wake from USB - not sure if that would help.


10 Posts

February 1st, 2015 15:00

What do you mean by "power plug", are you referring to the the power supply, the power controller that is connected to motherboard or ????

It took two onsite visits from technician to fix it. First time, they replaced the motherboard. Strangely, it made the problem somewhat better (less frequent, but not 100% solved). The second time they replaced the motherboard again and also the power plug.

16 Posts

February 1st, 2015 17:00

I think he means the bit you connect the ac adopter to that is connected to the mb. They switched that on mine and it's working as expected now.

On using it as a desktop. If you want to wake it in another way than using the power button you actually have to disable Intel rapid start.

Reason being that once it kicks in the memory that is kept alive during sleep will be (kind of) garbage collected and stored onto the hibernation partition on your SSD, before the computer shuts down completely. When you reboot after that the memory dump is loaded immediately. Completely skipping the regular things Windows would do waking from hibernation.

February 2nd, 2015 00:00

Monday (February 2nd 2015):

Thank you all for sharing your problem. I have the same issue since yesterday:

Suspend -> Does not start any more (only keyboard and power LED light).

I received the notebook on January 20th. Yesterday was my first try to put it to standby though. Worked a few times (only waiting 1 minute). But when I wanted to wake it up after some hours, the problem occurred. ePSA does not start (Press Fn and then Power Button). Pressing D and then Power Button runs the monitor color test, thats the only thing that works.

I called the support today and a technician will come tomorrow, to replace the mainboard. As suggested here, I asked for a replacement of the powerboard. The technician doubts that it has one but the technician will know. When he calls me to fix the hour, I will ask him again if he will replace that part.

I'll let you know what happens tomorrow.

Update Tuesday (February 3rd 2015):

I have written an update as a reply, but it was saved in another thread. So here it is also:

After receiving a link to track the support status, I saw that the scheduled repair was changed to Friday, February 6th. I called DELL technical support to ask for the reason because I have a Next Business Day warranty and Friday is four days...

The technical support told me that the missing parts (mainboard) are not available. The date was even shifted to Friday, February 13th, as the mainboards will only arrive in Europe next Wednesday (February 11th), plus some days to be in Switzerland...

I was told that I have three options: repair (in about two weeks), money back (also takes a few weeks) or replacement (which again takes a few weeks). After a few hours of pondering I decided to take the repair option. If the replacement of the mainboard doesn't fix the problem, I will be able to choose from the three options again (within first 30 days). I again suggested to have that power connection part replaced, but was told that other customers with my problem had the mainboard replaced and that was enough, so therefore that is what will be done.

I'll let you know about the success when the exchange was done.

Update Thursday (February 5th 2015):

To my surprise, yestarday (2 days after my first phone call to Dell support), a technician came to my place and exchanged the mainboard. I did quite some reboot and sleep/start cycles with various off-time and the notebook works well so far.

Two days instead of one is much better than two weeks, of course! I don't know why I was told that I have to wait for two weeks for the mainboard to be available...

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