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January 26th, 2011 01:00

Latitude E6410 slow when in docking station



all I got a new E6410 and 2 docking stations around a month ago.

The problem I have is that when the notebook is in my office docking station it is really really slow.

I can watch while window contents are draw, switching messages inthugnerbird takes a couple of seconds.

In the home dokcing station everything is fine.


Can anyone give me a hint what I can do about.

I'm planning on calling dell support, but I guess they'll be pretty sceptical.





1 Message

October 8th, 2013 10:00

I have a new E6430 and have been encountering the same issue with performance when docked.  After some trial and error, I found that if I leave the lid (screen) open slightly when docked, performance (specifically network speedtest) increases significantly, on par with performance when the laptop is not docked.  I've changed the sleep settings so that the computer doesn't sleep when the lid is closed, but it doesn't seem to make a difference. For now  I'll just leave the lid open slightly unless there are other suggestions...

67 Posts

January 26th, 2011 13:00

it may be taking forever trying to access network shares which are available at home but not at work.

I suggest swapping the two docking stations. If the same docking station has the same performance, then the one which causes slow performance is defective in some way. If the laptop is still slow at work and fast at home, then the problem is caused by there being something different about the environment.


4 Posts

January 26th, 2011 13:00

I haven't actually tried the switching the docking stations. I'll do that when I'm in the office next.

I doubt it has something todo with network shares, as it is also slow just selecting a different mail in thunderbird.

Also if I remove it from the docking station and plug the network cable into the notebook directly I also don't have speed (slowness) issues.


4 Posts

January 28th, 2011 03:00

A little follow up. It's actually the docking station.

I have both in the office now and with one of them the notebook is slow the other one is fine.

When switching I use the same network cable mouse keyboard and monitor so everything is identical....


Now let's see what the hotline has to say. :)


4 Posts

February 2nd, 2011 01:00

Support replaced the docking station and everything is working like a charm now.

Support said that since you have 2 docking stations and you tried them in the same situation it's pretty clear that it's the docking station. So we'll replace it.


I'm very positively suprised.




2 Posts

February 3rd, 2011 15:00

I have the E6410 as well & when the machine is in the docking station Win7 completely stalls & the resource manager goes up to 100%. After quite a bit of troubleshooting I've determined it is in fact the docking station. I was hopeful a brand new docking station would fix the issue however this isn't the case. Even after getting a brand new station, the laptop still runs poorly when connected (pushing the resource manager to 100%).

Dell E6410 | Intel Core i5 | Windows 7 | 4 GB RAM

Is there a driver for the docking station?

The machine is really fast on it's own but i do admit this is a bit frustrating. Without the use of the docking station I'm unable to use my dual 19" monitor setup.

7 Posts

February 10th, 2011 09:00

Try connecting the AC adapter from the fast dock to the slow one, see if solves your problem.


1 Message

February 10th, 2011 12:00

I had the same problem on my Latitude D830. When connected to the docking station with two 22" monitors, the computer would slow down to a crawl and start getting hot. If I disabled one of the monitors by switching from multiple monitor display to a single display the computer would cool down and run fast again. You might try this and see if you get the same results. I am guessing that my graphics card is the problem here and is not powerful enough to handle two monitors without overheating.

2 Posts

February 10th, 2011 13:00

Thanks for the intpu all. It is in fact the power cord (which is still hard to believe).

I have 2 power cords I've tried - the power cable that came with my older D630 Dell and the new cable that came with the E6410. When I plug either cable into new E6410 docking station the laptop jumps to 100% on the resource meter (even when in idle).

Plugging either power cable directly into the laptop while its sitting in the docking station works well and the resource manager is currently running at or around 3-4% in idle.

Thanks again for all the help. I would never had figured it was the power cable.

1 Message

April 15th, 2011 17:00

Hey all,


I'm quite glad I ran into this thread. I work in IT and I had a user call in about this same exact problem. He had a Dell E6410 that was hooked up into a docking station and it was giving him problems. I followed the fix from the post above and his problems went away. It's really weird that a power cord could be causing this issue.

Anyhow, just wanted to give my thanks to whoever thought this up!


Two thumbs WAY UP!

2 Posts

June 9th, 2011 09:00

Add one more. Having the exact same problem. E6410, on a docking station, with significant speed problems. Initially I thought it was overheating. It would run fine for the most part, but I would watch the processor speed dwindle as I would start using more processor intensive apps (we are talking down to 200-300 mhz) and everything would slow to a crawl. Replaced the AC adapter - and Voila! No more speed issues. Never would have considered the AC adapter. Thanks!

1 Message

June 19th, 2011 05:00

Thanks for posting this thread - I'm having the same issues. I have 2 AC adapters that came with my E6410 and max out my CPU with both when plugged in. I've found that I can still use the docking station if I simply disconnect the AC adapter, but would like to know if there is a specific AC adapter that I should get so I don't have to constantly monitor my battery usage.

2 Posts

June 20th, 2011 08:00

I guess I was too quick on my reply. It worked perfectly for a day - then went back to speed issues. Turned out to in fact be an overheating issue - once they came out and replaced the CPU, motherboard and fan for the third time, it has been working for over a week now.

9 Posts

March 28th, 2013 14:00

My 6410 is also seeming to get very hot in the docking station.    I've taken to shutting my pc off and letting it cool down before restarting.

Running Windows 8 64 bit, 8gb ram.   i7 M 620 process at 2.7ghz.

two drives.  one 750gb hard drive.  1 256gb SSD for OS and apps.    

That said, i'd like to fix it so it works more consistently.   

On this thread I've read three possible culprits:

1) Graphics card running out of gas.  I'm running a set of 21 and 22" external monitor so this is possible.  No other card works in the machine so i'm hop;ing this is not the issue.

2) AC adapter plugged into docking station is a problem.  Okay, i've moved my ac adapter and plugged directly into laptop.  Now no power is plugged into dock.

3)  It's just core overheating issues.  This feels right to me.  My pc slows to a crawl and i believe it's too hot and the system is downgrading the CPU to try to drop the power.  Anybody have a good solution to this one?  Iv'e taken to propping the PC on a small box to give more air access to the underside.  That has limited results.   If i was going to replace something, what would i replace?? The PC is out of warranty so i don't want to try to debug with Dell.    Is this as simple as swapping a fan? do i need to swap something else?   Heat sink,  new silver putting on the cpu?  something else?    I'm techy enough to swap drives and such but i don't know much more about the inside of my laptop. I just want it working for more than 5 hours without crapping out. 

Any help would be much appreciated!!



5 Practitioner


274.2K Posts

August 1st, 2013 15:00

Same speed issue with a E6530 running Win7 Pro in E-Port Plus II. All applications slow to a crawl when docked, regardless if one or 2 monitors are connected.

When the laptop is un-docked, full speed!

When it's docked in a standard E-Port dock, full speed!

What is going on Dell??


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