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2 Posts


January 25th, 2023 07:00

Intel X710 firmware upgrade compatibility


I'd like to ask if it is possible to find out if some older version of NIC firmware is compatible with any of the fresh firmware update bundles, without the need to go through README file or execute the firmware binary (but --extract is possible).

In the original Intel firmwares, I see the connection between current EEPID (shown in firmware version of NIC) and the values in config file (nvmupdate.cfg). Which kind of gives me the picture if the fw upgrade will be possible or not.

Now to the question, if that is not DELLs private solution. Is there some similar concept like the one mentioned above, some values that I could check and decide if the upgrade will be performed, other than running the binary with '-c' option? (from help: -c  Determine if the update can be applied to the system). I know that I can extract the contents and run the nvmupdate64e utility, take a look into the config etc. But nothing seemed relevant to my problem so far.

I got an DELL R640 with Intel X710 NICs, and bunch of firmware files ready to be installed (older and newer). I'd like to find the optimal route with the least FW upgrades possible based on the available files.

driver: i40e
version: 2.16.11
firmware-version: 6.00 0x80003a22 18.3.6

If I'd go straight for the 


The upgrade will fail, no doubts. Looking into the README, I can see the oldest compatible version being 19.0.x -> so 18.3.6 is not compatible for upgrade to 20.0.17. Is there a possibility to dig this kind of information from something present in the firmware bundle?

Best regards,



3.7K Posts

January 25th, 2023 16:00



Note: If there is an attempt to upgrade the Intel network adapter firmware version to 18.0.17 
via Lifecycle Controller Firmware older than, the firmware upgrade attempt may fail.


Have you updated LC yet?


2 Posts

January 29th, 2023 14:00


I can say that I am able to do the upgrade just ok and doesn't need any help with troubleshooting of the device. The answer I was hoping for would be some explanation based on what conditions does the firmware bundle decide if the firmware is applicable.

Maybe for a better explanation, I am trying to build a wrapper that could point out the firmware path I have to use to get to the desired fw version. With some hw and sw info scraping, to check that any (or which) of the available firmwares is applicable.

The only option I see right now is to run execute the firmware update (or the inner nvmupdate64e) to check the output and decide by that. (e.g. the output with update available/up to date/ etc.) This is what I am trying to mimic.




3.7K Posts

January 29th, 2023 15:00

Hi, this seems to be a back end developing logic level of inquiry that I do not have knowledge on. Sorry I can't be of help this time maybe we can look to other community users who might know.

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