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December 6th, 2021 08:00

VIDEO DXGKRNL on Precision 5520

Hello all and thank you for your time.

I have a Precision 5520, Intel i7-7820HQ with NVIDIA Quadro M1200 and Intel HD Graphics 630. Bought in 2017, it served me well, I replaced the battery once and overall I am happy with it. However, recently I've been getting VIDEO DXGKRNL fatal errors more and more frequently. It began by crashing while rendering in Adobe After Effects or while using more than one application at the time (which obviously wasn't a problem before) and now it crashes even when using simply google chrome. 

I contacted Microsoft support and they haven't been able to assist apart from telling me to reinstall my graphics card drivers which I did, to no success. Moreover I tried google search and applied any and all solutions I found, with no solution fixing the problem. A diagnostic of the PC shows everything is healthy.

I've seen a post about this error here back in 2014 but I believe things have changed since then. I like my Dell and I would love to continue using it but it has become simply unbearable to work. I am out of options, any help will be appreciated.


3 Posts

March 24th, 2022 07:00

I have multiple of these identical machines.  They are all exhibiting this same behavior of intermittent VIDEO_DXGKRNL_FATAL_ERROR bsod crashes.  I believe this is about getting the correct video drivers installed.  Go to the Intel website and get the HD Graphics 630 driver  Then get the Quadro M1200 driver from the Dell website (do not update to the latest NVidia driver but instead use this 'qualified' driver from the Dell 5520 drivers website).  If you are using a docking station, get the latest DisplayLink driver from displaylink: 10.2 M1 (10.2.6841.0).

That seems to be working so far for me.  But since is intermittent, we'll see if the crashes go away over the next few weeks.  Mine have been crashing once a day to once a week. I will try to update this posting if I find this still has not fixed the problem. 

These Dell Precision laptops are great machines but these constant Direct X Blue Screen Of Death crashes are certainly a nuisance.

4 Posts

June 29th, 2022 23:00



have you fix this issue ?

I just want to started fixing it : )



25.2K Posts

June 29th, 2022 23:00

Hello, I see you are looking for technical assistance. If you need our help, you can start a private message with us and we will be happy to assist you.

4 Posts

July 4th, 2022 00:00

Using Precision 5520,

I may fix this issue using old drivers.


1) Download Driver pack 

2) Uninstall both graphic driver 

3) Reinstall old graphic driver 


with Sketchup, I do not see hung up and blue screen.

: )

August 17th, 2022 13:00

UNSOLVED,  Thanks Dell

August 17th, 2022 13:00

where is the downvote button?

3 Posts

November 6th, 2022 08:00

My machine had gotten unbearably bad with multiple VIDEO_DXGKRNL_FATAL_ERROR crashes per day on my Dell Precision 5520.  I also have a Thunderbolt docking station so it was hard to troubleshoot the offending driver.

I seemed to have solved this by using the Intel drivers for the Intel HD Graphics 630 (rather then the Dell drivers).  The Intel version that is working for me is (available from the Intel website, file name is gfx_win_101.3790_101.2114).  I am also running the NVidia Quadro pro M1200 driver version (but I don't believe that was the crashing driver: the crashing driver was the HD Graphics 630 driver).  My machine also uses a Plugable UD-ULTC4K Thunderbolt docking station, driver version 10.2.7042.0: I got rid of the Dell docking station because it also was crashing (would intermittently crash when the PC tried to go to sleep).  With all these updated drivers and the Plugable docking station, my Precision 5520 has once again become a reliable machine with three 4K displays.

3 Posts

November 15th, 2022 18:00

After looking at the BSOD (Blue Screen of Death) dump files, it is clear the problem is the nvlddmkm.sys file. This is the driver for the NVidia Quadro M1200 and is the root cause of all these crashes.  Getting the 'right' drivers as I documented above is insufficient to fix the problem: you also need to disable the use of the NVidia driver for your applications and be sure to set the Intel HD Graphics 630 as your default graphics driver for all applications.  As follows:

Run the NVidia Control Panel: Windows Start->NVidia Control Panel. 

Go to Manage 3D settings.  On the Global Settings tab, change the Base Profile to Integrated graphics.  On the program settings tab, click on 'Select a program to customize' and then set the program's preferred graphics processor to 'Integrated graphics'.  Do this for EVERY program listed under 'Select a program to customize'. 

Go back up to Set PhysX configuration and select the CPU as the PhysX processor.

Basically - quit using the NVidia driver is the solution.  Since I don't use my PC for games, the Intel HD Graphics 630 is more than sufficient for everything I do.  This is not the first time I've owned machines where there was no reliable NVidia driver so its not a surprise that there is some nasty intermittent bug in their driver: seems NVIdia consistently has problems writing reliable Windows software.

1 Message

December 19th, 2022 22:00

I also encountered the same situation as you and my solution is to delete all existing VGA drivers in the machine and you download the driver from dell and install the NVIDIA driver first and Driver 630 respectively, remember to follow the order
Step 1- install Nvidia driver
Step 2- install HD630 driver and I solved the above problem


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