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June 20th, 2007 12:00

Latitude D630 Windows XP Installation

Has anyone figured out how to install Windows XP on a D630 in AHCI mode rather than SATA mode?  The 1st time it prompts for the driver (F6 method) it detects the Hard Drive ok, but then just a few minutes after formatting the hard drive setup prompts for  the "Intel Matrix Storage manager driver" again... only this time the laptop refuses to recognize the floppy drive (connected via USB cable).  I even tried hot swapping the DVD-ROM with the Floppy in the options bay as a last resort.
Does anyone know how to get this to work.  I have heard people say just install Windows in SATA mode and then switch to AHCI mode, but I would like to know if I am missing something.

12.7K Posts

June 20th, 2007 15:00

"only this time the laptop refuses to recognize the floppy drive (connected via USB cable).  "
It should have not recognized it in the first place, unusual.
What most people do in this situation is to slipstream those needed drivers into that XP cd.
I just easier to set the bios to non ahci mode then install XP, there is no real benefit to AHCI.

12.7K Posts

June 21st, 2007 03:00

Thanks for the heads up. This info will be very helpful to others in the future.
Where did you get the drivers? Dell site?

3 Posts

June 21st, 2007 03:00

This was a nightmare, I spent a day and a half on it and dell's support was useless. Here is what I did and this was the ONLY combination of things that would work:

you must install the 82801HEM/HBM ICH8M Driver For SATA in order to activate AHCI

I was able to do this by installing windows with the bios set to STANDARD ATA

then I updated the driver for the 3 port ICH8M driver to the 82801HEM/HBM driver

after reboot I changed back to AHCI and it worked fine.

do not update the single port standard SATA controller or you won't be able to boot

Avoid staying with the standard SATA mode, it is much slower than the AHCI, much slower than I had thought it would be.

Message Edited by pmarcus on 06-20-2007 11:36 PM

3 Posts

June 22nd, 2007 15:00

@mombodog wrote:
I know that, I was curious which one was used.

I used the Dell Drivers

13 Posts

June 22nd, 2007 15:00

Oh PS, yes, when installing windows XP on the D630 and pressing F6, a D-series floppy drive connected via the usb ports on the back of the laptop does work.  I never did figure out why they work in that spot but not later during the install process.

12.7K Posts

June 22nd, 2007 15:00

I know that, I was curious which one was used.

13 Posts

June 22nd, 2007 15:00

Thanks for the tip, I will give your method a shot and see how it turns out.

3 Posts

June 22nd, 2007 15:00

@mombodog wrote:
Thanks for the heads up. This info will be very helpful to others in the future.
Where did you get the drivers? Dell site?

You can download the Matrix SATA storage drivers from Dell's support site, or from intel.

12.7K Posts

June 22nd, 2007 16:00

Thanks  :smileyhappy:

3 Posts

June 26th, 2007 21:00

It should also be noted that you have to install the chipset driver first (might be obvious, but I overlooked it for the first 30 minutes).

14 Posts

July 6th, 2007 19:00

This message is for everyone who is having problems with installing the AHCI for the Dell Latitude D630.
Go to the Lenovo website and download the Intel Matrix driver that they have. Once you have downloaded it navigate to the folder and extract out the contents. Then go into the folder that says "Prepare' and click "install". It may seem like nothing has happened but you must restart your machine and then go into the BIOS before it reboots. Change the SATA setting to AHCI and the Flash setting, and then let your machine fully reboot. Once logged in your machine will find new hardware. Point it to the folder where you extracted the files and it will install the drivers.
Hope this helps

12.7K Posts

July 6th, 2007 20:00

bro_tayo, Thanks, that is much easier than reinstalling.
You should make a post in the portables section also.
"Change the SATA setting to AHCI and the Flash setting"  Please explain the red.

Message Edited by mombodog on 07-06-2007 04:34 PM

14 Posts

July 6th, 2007 22:00

When it you go in and change the SATA drive setting it should prompt you for which Flash setting has to be changed. I think it is Flash Cache or something like that. It is two down from the SATA configuration in the left pane.
I hope this helps

September 5th, 2007 23:00

Ok... I'm a little confused. I have a brand new D630 that I haven't even powered on. What is the very first step? I didn't know this machine was SATA (I just order 'em... derrr) and was a little disappointed when I booted off my XP disc, of course.

12.7K Posts

September 6th, 2007 00:00

Power up the Lappy, start tapping F2 at the Dell logo screen, this gets you into the bios to make changes.
Do you know how to navigate and make changes in a Dell bios?
There is not very good documentation on your bios, so it is hard to help without me having the same laptop in front of me, sorry.

<ADMIN NOTE: Broken link has been removed from this post by Dell>

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