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2 Posts


November 26th, 2021 08:00

M8024-k boot stuck after upgrade IOM Coprocessor Firmware

Firstly, I have to apologize for my poor english.

Recently, I have been working on M1000E with a pair of M8024-k which is one of them not work properly.

The guy before me told me that he was upgrade IOM Coprocessor Firmware (version 11 > 12) on one of M8024-k, The upgrading went success but M8024-k no longer boot at all.


From console

Operational Code Date: Tue Jun 8 03:18:31 2021



Adding 0 symbols for standalone.
/DskVol// - disk check in progress ...
dosChkLib : CLOCK_REALTIME is being reset to SAT APR 29 00:04:40 2006
Value obtained from file system volume descriptor pointer: 0x41c8e30
The old setting was THU JAN 01 00:00:01 1970
Accepted system dates are greater than THU DEC 27 00:00:00 1990
/DskVol// - Volume is OK

volume descriptor ptr (pVolDesc): 0x41c8e30
XBD device block I/O handle: 0x10001
auto disk check on mount: DOS_CHK_REPAIR |DOS_CHK_VERB_2
volume write mode: copyback (DOS_WRITE)
volume options:
max # of simultaneously open files: 52
file descriptors in use: 0
# of different files in use: 0
# of descriptors for deleted files: 0
# of obsolete descriptors: 0

current volume configuration:
- volume label: NO LABEL ; (in boot sector: )
- volume Id: 0x6e
- total number of sectors: 61,076
- bytes per sector: 512
- # of sectors per cluster: 4
- # of reserved sectors: 1
- FAT entry size: FAT16
- # of sectors per FAT copy: 60
- # of FAT table copies: 2
- # of hidden sectors: 4
- first cluster is in sector # 136
- Update last access date for open-read-close = FALSE


Timebase: 66.666666 MHz, MEM: 266.666664 MHz, PCI: 66.666666 MHz, CPU: 533.333328 MHz
PCI unit 0: Dev 0xb820, Rev 0x11, Chip BCM56820_B0, Driver BCM56820_A0
SOC unit 0 attached to PCI device BCM56820_B0

^^^^^^^^^^^^  It stuck here, won't go anywhere.


What I have try.

1. try to boot with difference verion of image (oldest that I can find like 4.x.x.x to lastest
2. move M8024-k to other slot.
3. try to boot M8024-k without any module on it.


No matter what I try it still stuck at
SOC unit 0 attached to PCI device BCM56820_B0

Is there any way to fix this problem or it just broken switch. Thank you.




631 Posts

November 26th, 2021 13:00


Will it let you get to the boot menu? If you can, you may be able to wipe the flash memory and reinstall. If you can’t or it doesn’t resolve it, it may just be broken. Let us know if you have any additional questions.

3 Apprentice


412 Posts

March 14th, 2023 02:00

hello @coreichamp seems the switch went to break, a replacement wil fix it or connect a console cable of you are able to and then procced further with whipping

March 14th, 2023 09:00

I apologize for no updates.

I hired a specialist to check on it, and he confirmed the hardware is broken.

Thank you for all the help!

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