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1 Rookie


46 Posts


December 4th, 2021 13:00

VRTX Chassis Management and Idrac7 License Part Number for Enterprise

I am looking for the VRTX Chassis Management and Idrac7 for M520 Blade License Part Number for Enterprise. I have already spoken to spare parts and they have no clue. This has been going on for seven weeks with no help from them. I am hoping someone has it available. I did call the Dell spare parts customer service along with sales and they have been no help. I am being blunt, because it has been very frustrating. They could not even help me out with Fault Tolerance Upgrade kit as I got lucky and found the parts that made up the kit on my own. If anyone has any of the part numbers I would be greatly appreciate. Thank you in advance.

4 Operator


1.8K Posts

December 4th, 2021 14:00

Can you please describe what your looking for or trying to archive?  Iam a Dell partner and have problems to understood what youre talking about because there is no such thing as "Blade License Part Number".

All what is needed for APOS or Support is the S(ervice)TAG of your M520 blade and the VRTX chassis.

Lost your licenses?

Would you like to buy a iDRAC Enterprise license for a 12Gen Server? If so the SKU would be 529-10007.

Speaking about CMC there is also an Enterprise license version.

There is a EntitlementID which only can be found within the license file(Today you will also found it within your Dell Digital Locker)  and becomes also visible when exporting an existing old (12Gen  as yours) iDRAC license because it will become part of the filename.
But this info isnt a great help at first.


Just for the docs.. the SKUs for a Customer Upgrade Kit for Dual Sperc8 Controller in a 2.5" chassis are

  386-BBBN + 996-3219 and (ABU)804-6753, (E MEA)683-19269, (APJ) 683-19831  



1 Rookie


46 Posts

December 4th, 2021 20:00

Hello.....Thank you for providing this information as I am looking for the part number / sku on a new purchase for these items. The CMC is on express and I want to upgrade it to Enterprise as well as the idrac7 for the M520 blade, but no one can tell me how I am can do this or provide direction until you just pointed this out to me. I am just looking for the part numbers or Sku (Whatever the correct verbiage is) so I can start the process to procure these. I have provided my service tag to Dell Spare Parts and they did not provide me anything. I no longer need that part as I had to buy the individual parts separately. So now I am only looking for the upgrades from Express to Enterprise for the VRTX CMC and the M520 Blade. How would I do this and where do I purchase it from? I was told these are all discontinued unless I wad given the wrong information. I also need the US based sku number / Part number as this is all for Europe and overseas. These will not work for me. That is the issue I have been seeing.  Thank you in advance.

4 Operator


1.8K Posts

December 4th, 2021 22:00


speaking of the idrac for that periode of time at least 3 SKU exists depending where the model was placed in the server range.
I only have access to the SKU which are valid for europe so i cant help you. Did you check if "529-10007" is available in the US because this is the valid one for M520 iDRAC Enterprise LIC.

I also see the problem that 12Gen servers are end of sales since ages and that 7Y of support also have ended so that getting APOS stuff may be challenging or near impossible.


1 Rookie


46 Posts

December 5th, 2021 14:00


Those sku's / part numbers do not work in the US. Trust me I have tried and have not been able to locate anything. I understand all of the items I am looking for are end of life, but I am trying to find the sku's / part number so maybe I can locate it from a third party vendor who maybe has old stock. I am just not able to find anything for the US. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.

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