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1 Rookie


55 Posts


April 16th, 2024 15:51

Direct-connect (SAS) and iSCSI simultaneously?

If you have multiple hosts direct-connected to a Compellent storage array (I don't have a specific model in mind) can you simultaneously connect additional hosts to the same array using iSCSI, or do you have to use one or the other?



8.5K Posts

April 16th, 2024 16:29

When you create a thin clone you can have it be a separate environment for testing changes without impacting the source, promoting it makes it available to the normal environment. You are not supposed to mix connection types. Page 19

1 Rookie


55 Posts

April 16th, 2024 20:13

Thanks for the reply, and the link. The guide you linked to speaks of mixed connection types on the same host, but I am asking about using one connection type (SAS) for one set of hosts and another connection type (iSCSI) for another set of hosts.
The guide is also speaking of FC and iSCSI together, which is not the scenario I'm thinking of. I need to know if you can use SAS (direct-connect) and iSCSI together.



8.5K Posts

April 16th, 2024 20:32

No, I don't see any way to allow multiple sets of hosts one with SAS and one with iSCSI. 

1 Rookie


55 Posts

April 18th, 2024 21:49

Why is that? If the Compellent has both a SAS card and an iSCSI/Ethernet card, why can't you have hosts connecting to it each using a different interface type?

4 Operator


1.8K Posts

April 19th, 2024 08:28

Every SCv3020 or SC5020 can be bought with a iSCSI Mezz and the PCIe SAS Card.  But i remember about a "*" in the old marketing/products slides about iSCSI+SAS.

We once re-configure a SCv3020 from the use of SAS to iSCSI and later some trouble starts.  Dell Support than says that this isnt a combination which see them often.  We have to remove the SAS Domains than. It was not 100% clear if the current problems are related to SAS.

To beclear .... we move all Volumes from SAS to iSCSI but leave the FaultDomain for SAS configured.

In the old days we see it more than once that a System use a primary Frontend path with Fibre Channel and a secondary path with iSCSi to the same Windows Server.


1 Rookie


55 Posts

April 19th, 2024 16:14

Thanks. Does that mean a Compellent won't be able to run SAS and iSCSI simultaneously to different hosts? What do you mean by "remove the SAS domains"? Is that something you do on the Compellent?

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