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1 Rookie


3 Posts


March 12th, 2024 09:42

DD2500 upgrade from 5.7.2 to latest possible DDOS

Hello, we have an old DD2500 that is still in version, and we have a need to update to whatever it would be allowed for us to update it to. We have the needs to update this as its webserver SSL cyphers are out of date and constantly showing up on security compliance scans.

I have downloaded the lowest version available for download 6.2 but its complaining with the error below.

sysadmin@localhost# system upgrade precheck
Upgrade Precheck in progress:
Node 0: phase 1/1 (Precheck  23%)
**** Upgrade failed: upgrade to version is not permitted.:

It seems that for us to update this we need to go to version 6.0 then 6.1 then to the lowest available version for download in the webpage 6.2.

As it is old we don't currently have support for this equipment. what are our options here? what is the most economical available to us, as replacing the whole thing is highly out of the question.

2 Posts

March 12th, 2024 10:32

I understand the struggle you're facing with trying to update that old DD2500 appliance. Those upgrade path restrictions can really be a pain, especially when dealing with aging hardware. Let me try to break down some options for you in a more friendly way:

First off, it sounds like the vendor wants you to follow a specific upgrade path, going from 5.7.2 to 6.0, then 6.1, and finally to the latest 6.2 version. Now, the challenge here is getting your hands on those older 6.0 and 6.1 upgrade files, especially without an active support contract. But hey, it's worth a shot, right?

If you can't find those old upgrade files through official channels, you might want to check out some user communities or forums dedicated to the DD2500. Sometimes fellow users have workarounds or can share resources to help bypass those pesky upgrade restrictions. Just be a little cautious with unofficial solutions, as they might not be fully supported and could introduce some risks.

Another option is to reach out to the vendor's support team directly, even without an active contract. Sometimes they're willing to lend a hand or provide temporary assistance, especially if you explain your situation nicely. It might cost you a bit, but it could be more economical than replacing the whole appliance.

Now, if none of those options pan out, or if they just don't seem cost-effective, you might have to bite the bullet and consider replacing the DD2500 with a newer model. I know, I know, it's not the most budget-friendly solution, but it could give you a more up-to-date and supported system in the long run, with better security and performance to boot.

Whichever route you decide to take, just make sure you test everything thoroughly in a non-production environment first. You don't want any unexpected hiccups or compatibility issues messing things up in your live environment.

Let me know if any of those options sound more appealing or if you need any other suggestions. I'm happy to chat through this and help you figure out the best way forward, my friend!


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