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1 Rookie


2 Posts


February 9th, 2024 12:07

BIOS PW containing the "-" character

I have a lot of devices provided with a BIOS Password containing the minus "-" character.
When I try to clear or modify this password with powershell I always getting the error msg "Incorrect password provided!"
When I manually change the password to something else without the "-" the same commands are working without problems.

So my question is if that is a problem in general with special characters or is it eventually a keyboard problem with international keyboards? In this case "german"

Thank you!



8.5K Posts

February 9th, 2024 16:36



I don't think it is a keyboard issue, I believe it is an unsupported character with powershell. 

You can also find the steps and commands for the password here


Let me know if this helps.



1 Rookie


2 Posts

February 13th, 2024 09:44

Hi Chris,

thank you for your answer!

I tried all the steps from this site link and without the "-" they worked fine, but not when the "-" is included.

Because with all PS commands the password is wrapped in "" I thought the password should be handeled as a string so it will not be mixed up with PS commands? 

Thank you,

best regards



3.2K Posts

February 13th, 2024 14:17




The issue you're experiencing could be due to how PowerShell handles special characters, particularly the "-" character, when passing it as an argument to commands. It's possible that PowerShell might be interpreting the "-" character in a special way, causing the BIOS password to be incorrectly parsed.

One workaround you could try is to enclose the password containing the "-" character in single or double quotes when passing it as an argument to PowerShell commands. This can help ensure that PowerShell treats the entire password string as a single entity and doesn't interpret any special characters within it.

For example:

Clear-BIOSPassword -Password 'your-password-with-minus-character'


Clear-BIOSPassword -Password "your-password-with-minus-character"

If the issue persists even after trying this workaround, it's possible that there might be some compatibility or encoding issues specific to your environment, such as with international keyboards.

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