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November 24th, 2021 01:00

OEM 3.8 VM terminal/command prompt access


Is it possible to access the host OS in the VM? Not just the Text User Interface but also the CentOS?




631 Posts

November 26th, 2021 09:00


We have not designed it to allow access to the underlying OS of the appliance. Let us know if you have any additional questions.



3.2K Posts

November 24th, 2021 07:00

Hi F,


to answer this in a Community Forum is very tough.


But I could assist you with some hints.


You should use Remote Desktop Access.


Did you have any other questions?


Regards Martin


11 Posts

November 26th, 2021 08:00

OEM 3.8=Open Manage Enterprise 3.8

Sorry If I am not clear, but I'm not asking default CentOS terminal access. I'm asking DELL OEM Open Manage Enterprise. DELL VM software. It has a Text User interface when I start the VM. Is it possibly to interact with the HOST OS under it?

If I press alt+f1...f12 for new terminal session, I did not got access to the host OS.

Edit: If I try to access via SSH: connection refused

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