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June 21st, 2007 08:00

Error attempting to register with NetApp

We have upgraded from v2.1 to v3.0 of DiskXtender for NAS and I am having a little difficulty. I am unable to get it to connect to our Network Appliance systems. The NetApps are reporting: fpolicy.fscreen.server.connecting.privError:error]: FPOLICY: File policy server xx.xx.xx.xx attempted to register for policy DxNas but had insufficient privilege.

From the DXNas side the error is: # 06/21/2007 10:49:19.510 AM [SEVERE ] [003800] [FPolicyNI.jni_register():-2] Bad registration for server \\, filer 3: error 0x5
# 06/21/2007 10:49:19.510 AM [WARNING] [003800] [FPolicyNI$] Registering error.
com.emc.netapp.NetworkApplianceException: Registering error.

I have verified that the password for the required account is correct and the account is functional. It appears that the DxNas server cannot register with the NetApp filer FPOLICY service. Any suggestions?

15 Posts

June 27th, 2007 10:00

This can be caused after you upgrade from 2.1 to 3.0, check to ensure that your DX NAS Services are running with Domain Administrator privilege.
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