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March 26th, 2008 05:00

Naming the external drive folder same as a file folder

OK. I admit I'm stupid. I'm new to DiskXtender and when setting up an extended drive yesterday I named the extended drive folder the same as a top level folder on the disk drive. Obviously, the only folder showing now is the one folder. I want to remove the extended drive (media is already removed) but I am afraid that if I delete the extended drive folder, my real folder will also disappear. By the way, I disabled anything from happening on the system so no files are being moved, purged, etc.

15 Posts

March 26th, 2008 14:00

PS -- after you remove the media, media groups, and media folder you can delete the extended drive. Deleting the extended drive does not remove any files/folders.

The only thing would be is if you moved (migrated) any files first -- you would want to use Compact to move those back before removing your media.

15 Posts

March 26th, 2008 14:00

Maybe I am missing something -- but do you don't name your Extended drive. You just create an extended drive and point to the Drive letter.

Do mean you named your "Media Folder"? That SHOULD be the top folder.

If you have:


And you want to migrate files from Folder1,2,3 -- then when you create your Extended Drive and it asks you if you want to create a Media folder (say yes) and select E:\TopFolder -- that will get all the subfolders.

6 Posts

March 27th, 2008 05:00

OK, I think I understand but let me be more clear on my end so I'm not confused.
Here are the folders on my server:

Here is the setup for DisXtender:

Media Groups
EMC Group1 (Centera)

Since the server directory G:\Groups is the same name as the DiskXtender \Groups\ if I delete \Groups\ will the server directory G:\Groups disappear?

Thanks again. Please allow me to beat this dead horse one more time!


397 Posts

March 27th, 2008 05:00

No, as Jay mentioned earlier you can remove the media folder. The folder will still appear in explorer. The media folder is simply a logical pointer. Hope this helps.
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