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July 19th, 2022 12:00

EQUALLOGIC PS6210 Controller Batteries

I recently had to upgrade my PS6210's and all of them had critical battery messages. I ordered 6 new batteries and got them replaced. Apparently they were not all seated well enough and some did not charge. Eventually I managed to get all 6 charged and all came up with a status of Good.

We have been working on rebuilding our datastores and VM's and now 3 weeks later every single battery is coming up with a status of: end of life critical! Is it likely that we received 6 bad batteries, or is it possible that there might be another explanation? The batteries were initially coming up with similar errors, but once they charged for 24 hours they showed Good. 

1 Rookie


1.5K Posts

July 19th, 2022 14:00


 The batteries have an end of life date based on when they were made.  They will all have to be replaced. If you search this forum you will find others too how have bought batteries thinking they were new when they were actually used.   They start alerting 90 days before they expire.

  Wish I had better news for you.  Hopefully, you can get them replaced by the vendor you got them from.   I believe there is an actual date on the assembly. 




July 20th, 2022 04:00

Thanks. There is a date on the box, but I never realized it was an expiration date. All six batteries I just got have a date of 11/30/2021. I did not see any date on the actual battery modules.

July 20th, 2022 05:00

Not these.... The only thing on the label is Date: 11/30/2021. I really didn't even notice that. I foolishly assumed I was getting fresh batteries! Just to point out - I only requested the batteries be purchased. I was not involved in the purchase itself. I was handed a box of batteries which I assumed were good. It has been one of those kind of years! I have worked here for 25 years and this is the first time I have ever had to replace a CMOS battery, much less controller batteries! lol.  This time around there is no new equipment, so we are trying to prop up the old stuff and make it work twice as hard. What could possibly go wrong?

1 Rookie


427 Posts

July 20th, 2022 05:00

on the label it will say for example.

MFD: 1518 - year 2015 week 18.    

1 Rookie


1.5K Posts

July 20th, 2022 08:00


 Sorry that you are having issues.  I hope they take them back and you can get some new ones! 




1 Message

January 29th, 2023 19:00

I have a question, so I have a ps6210 and both control module shows end of life critical for the past few months now.  Does it mean that the battery hasn't necessarily lost it's charge yet but just expired and needs a replacement immediately because it's supposed to be replaced every so often?  And what are the repercussions if I powered the device off.  Will I lose any data?  I'm asking because we purchased a new SAN already to replace this and looking to migrate all the data over to the new SAN in about less than a month.  I'm wondering if I should spend a few thousand on trying to extend the warranty with Dell for another year when I only need it for another month or should I just wait it out and migrate everything over soon.





631 Posts

January 30th, 2023 00:00

Hi @ptrwinn10,


Most of the time, controller battery is used for cache containment. If the management has detected that the battery is in critical state, in any situation of power failure, the cache data will not be stored or contained. Hence, there will be data lost. The battery needs replacement. You can replace the battery on the controller one by one, you will need to put the controller to be secondary mode. You can refer to this guide page 27:


Since you have purchased a new SAN, it might not be worth to extend the warranty. Before you extend the warranty, it is required that your storage need to be in a healthy state, hence you will still need to replace the battery before extension. 

1 Rookie


1.5K Posts

January 30th, 2023 03:00


  Additionally, if both batteries have failed and you try to restart or have a power failure the array will not boot back up.  If will stop the boot process. 

   Replacing the batteries would be higkly recommended so that you don't lose data now and can migrate the data off succesfully. 





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