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October 30th, 2018 08:00

FS8600, Linux, noatime

Hi all, I could really use some help and insight.

The company I work for uses a 3rd party vendor for hosting our data. Unfortunately, trying to pry information from this vendor is like pulling teeth. We are experiencing an issue wherein the Access Date for the filesystem is always being changed. Our company deals in data preservation this poses a pretty big issue for us.

With the information I have been able to grab a hold of, the vendor is using an FS8600 with a Linux OS. I have made inquiries if the NOATIME option can be turned on for the mounted drives.

The response I have gotten is less than desirable that "Dell has built a proprietary OS that sits on top of the Linux Shell, and that there are a limited set of commands that are reserved for Dell Engineering team."

Anyone happen to know anything about this Dell OS (I am not sure if the vendor is talking about Dell Storage Manager or Dell Storage Center OS) and the interaction with Linux and availability of options?


Thank you, and I really appreciate any information!



6.9K Posts

November 6th, 2018 13:00

Hello Maliceous,

Likewise is part of the FS system.

Please let us know if you have any other questions.



6.9K Posts

October 30th, 2018 12:00

Hello Maliceous,

NOATIME is not available with an FS8600.  In the FS8600 all volume mounts are handled by likewise which is part of the FS software, and not by the OS itself.  FS8600 is not presenting the files directly off the volume. Things like access/modify date are tracked by likewise and stored in metadata, unlike a typical ext filesystem.

Please let us know if you have any other questions.

2 Posts

October 31st, 2018 07:00

Thank you for the prompt response. So does that mean, to ensure that Access Date is not modified(if windows accesses to get a preview or generate a thumbnail) that we would have to either:

1. Have the vendor opt for Windows vs Linux since Windows behavior is "FSUTIL - DisableLastAccess" is True by default.


2. We would need a different type of storage controller where Likewise is not being utilized.


Is Likewise only part of the FluidFS or is it part of all systems nowadays?

Thank you again for your assistance!

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