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1 Rookie


23 Posts


May 12th, 2024 08:20

Fan making too much Noise- How do I stop this ? Inspiron 3511

Inspiron 15 3511

Inspiron 15 3511


As per title,  the fan on my inspiron 3511 is making too much noise. How do I stop this ?



1 Rookie


23 Posts

May 12th, 2024 08:21

I'm in the process of downloading all the drivers from the dell website , all 79 of them. Once i install all of them will this solve the issue ?

5 Practitioner


5.1K Posts

May 12th, 2024 09:02

No, it would not solve the issue.  In facts, it may create additional problem by installing all the drivers to the devices you don't have.

To find out if your system have any hardware issue, run system diagnostics scan from F12 at boot.

Verify the system temperatures and checking to see if the fan was making noise while trying to cool off your system or the noise was from faulty fan blades or motor.


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