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1 Rookie


1 Message


May 10th, 2024 20:26

Laptop is giving issue yet more than 5 times,

Hi, I am tired from this laptop this laptop hardware you change thrice then only it was not working properly you changed the laptop when it is in the warranty then too you given me refurbished and that refurbished laptop already had given me 4 times issue I had changed that motherboard then too it's heating too much and in working time it suddenly hang. If Dell support system can help us for refund or new laptop because yet my laptop is in warranty, otherwise what's the meaning of warranty when it is also useless. Please help me now I feel

10 Elder


23.4K Posts

May 10th, 2024 22:24

The answer will be no -- they won't offer a refund or a new system.  If the main problem is overheating, be sure:

1.  That you're not using the system in such a way as to block to cooling intake and exhaust ports,

2.  That you're not overstressing the system -- gaming, say on 3000 or 5000 series system,

3.  That the ambient temperature isn't the problem -- the cooling system can't do its job in a hot environment.

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