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1 Rookie


1 Message


May 17th, 2024 19:45

Add domain user or group permissions to Isilon structure (OneFS 9.5.0)

So, I'm trying to do something you would think is simple! but everything I try fails.  I have folder /ifs/folder/folder and I want to add a domain\group to the folder\files recursively.  Below are some of the commands I tried out but nothing seems to work.  I tried files and folders.

isi chmod --acl-spec='"DOMAIN\Domain Group Name":F' test.xlsx

chmod -R +a "DOMAIN\Domain Group Name:F" /path/to/folder

chmod +a "Dimain\Domain Group:F" test.xlsx

chmod +a "type:allow,flags:file_inherit/dir_inherit,mask:full_set,who:'Domain\Domain Group'" test.xlsx

isi chmod --acl-specs="type:allow,user::rwx,user:'DOMAIN\Domain Group Name':rwx,group::rwx,other::rwx" test.xlsx

also tried multiple isi auth commands which I didn't save.

 AI is worthless also! I tried ChatGPT and even it can't figure this out.  It gave me so many examples and methods and nothing worked. At least it can draw a pictures.  

Appreciate the assistance. 


1 Rookie


47 Posts

May 20th, 2024 15:23


have you tried double back slash? e.g.

chmod -R +a group "domain\\group" allow dir_gen_read,object_inherit,container_inherit
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