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April 8th, 2024 21:55

S3222DGM, A03, Xbox Series X, no 1440p 120Hz


Today I purchased a Dell monitor S3222DGM, revision A03. Manufactured January 2024. I am attempting to run this monitor at 1440p/120Hz and it will not do so. Will only do 1440p/60Hz or 1080p/120Hz. I have tried everything from turning AMD FreeSync off, resetting the monitor, resetting my Xbox. Nothing is working. I have seen many posts about the EDID but that was mostly on models made around 2020 from what I’ve seen. I only purchased this as I have seen others saying they are gaming at 1440p/120Hz on Xbox Series X. If it’s not possible, a return is in my future.


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54.4K Posts

April 8th, 2024 22:40

The S3222DGM User's Guide shows that it is capable of doing 2560x1440 60Hz/120Hz/144Hz =

When connected to a Windows PC HDMI, does the S3222DGM allow 120Hz?

Why is the Xbox not sending a signal capable of 120Hz, unknown to Dell? You should post on the Xbox Forum and see what troubleshooting they can offer.


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