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April 24th, 2024 17:40

U3023E, really bad artifact, looks like pixel inversion

I'm very disappointed in how bad this new monitor is since my previous Dell 30" screens never had this kind of a problem. 

After connecting up to my new Windows 10 machine with a 4000 series GPU, I first noticed what seems to be called "pixel inversion" with my desktop wallpaper. It was clearly worse when monitor was cold and shortly went away when changing settings in NVIDIA control panel. But absolutely nothing makes it go away. At first I thought oh well, it only happens on certain types of images.

But with gaming of all kind, old and new, aswell movies, the artifacts are really bad. They are very noticeable in darker light scenes. In many games it looks like a flyscreen mesh has been placed over the screen.

I just don't understand how in this day and age this is happening? Because of this, my 2007 Dell 30" has superior image quality compared to this new unit. My 2008 version same, my 2017 version same, none of those have this issue at all. How can it be this hasn't been bypassed somehow? If it is a an NVIDIA issue why is it happening on my laptops with no Nvidia GPU? And my 17 year old Vista machine which has an older GTX 900 series GPU? This has absolutely shattered my interest in new age PC hardware and I simple can't buy another 30" until its confirmed this isn't happening. So on top of wondering how this has happened;

- Has anyone else got this problem with the new U3023E? Anything Nvidia related to mitigate the artifact? As I said absolutely nothing in Nvidia control panel does anything.

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April 24th, 2024 17:51

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Do you see the issue when running the BID (Built-in Diagnostics)? Page 83 in the online U3023E User's Guide.

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