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17 Posts


March 22nd, 2023 04:00

OMEVV not showing profiles options when trying to setup image patching.

It seems to be basically this issue,


I'm using the 1.01 OMEVV solution, my host all have the advanced+ license installed on them and show as healthy etc directly in the plugin.  I have created a baseline profile from the Dell Default Catalog and have applied it to a test cluster with just two host in it.  I applied the OS Driver pack to the cluster directly via the plugin and it worked as expected.


I would like to switch the cluster I am working with over to the image based patching and included the Dell Firmware option which was my primary reason for purchasing the Advanced+ licenses.  When I go to add the Firmware options it shows OMEVV in the dropdown which I can select, it then spins for a bit and shows no options in the "Select Firmware and Driver addon" section.  I've deleted and recreated the baseline profile a few times and have never been able to get any options to show up here.  I have called support and was told I did not have software support on my systems, although I do have the proper licenses to use the software.

Researching online I can't find much on the specific steps to take to get this working, it all seems to point to documents and videos on the older version of the tool, but as far as I can tell I am doing everything correctly and it should be showing me the baseline I created for the cluster I am trying to switch to image based patching.


When managing systems via OpenManage directly I had to put in the idrac l/p for each system which made sense for it to work with the systems, but in the vCenter plugin I never had to enter any of that information in.  I assume it is somehow able to update things without needing that information from the plugin?


Any help or direction is appreciated as I can't really go back and ask for more money on something that I haven't been able to get to work.

17 Posts

March 30th, 2023 05:00

After Charles help getting Dell support to assist on this they pointed out a problem with the VMware update service trying to use a proxy for reaching the Open Manage appliance.  It was only calling this service when trying to convert the cluster to image based updates, so the plugin itself was generally all functioning properly until trying to use it in this manner.

To check for this problem view the log file,

/var/log/vmware/vmware-updatemgr/vum-server/  “hsm-service.log”

For type type of error,

[ERROR] Failed to establish connection: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='IP Address of dell open manage here', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /omevv/GatewayService/v1/vsphere-lcm/hw-support/v1/packages (Caused by ProxyError('Cannot connect to proxy.', ConnectionResetError(104, 'Connection reset by peer'))).


If you are using a proxy with vCenter the config file is located at:


There is a section labeled NO_PROXY you can add the ip/hostname of the Dell Open Manage appliance to.  After making this change, rebooting vCenter, I am now able to see the baseline I created when trying to convert the cluster to using image based updates.


Dell support was extremely helpful in diagnosing this issue, and I was at a complete dead end without their assistance.

17 Posts

March 22nd, 2023 06:00

Running, VMware ESXi, 7.0.3, 21313628 on the host.

Plugin version:  Open Manage Enterprise Integration for VMware vCenter (OMEVV)

17 Posts

March 22nd, 2023 11:00

I'm not following you on that reply, I did pm you the case #.


I am trying to get OMEVV to work with Lifecycle manager to use images for updates.  When I select this option when trying to convert to an image from previously using baselines for updates

Firmware and Drivers Addon 

SELECT (optional)"


There are no options listed for selection.



I have added 2 managed host that are a cluster.  I created a repo based on the dell online one, added both host to it and have checked compliance with them etc.  Everything appears to be working fine within the plugin itself, but I believe I should see the option to select the baseline I created and do not see that as an option.



3.4K Posts

March 22nd, 2023 11:00

Hello tomatthe1,


I received the private message with the details. Thank you. I'll follow up with you here.



3.4K Posts

March 22nd, 2023 11:00

Hello tomatthe1,


OMEVV should sync automatically with OME for any catalogs whether created by Update Manager on Online Catalog

On the screen shot in the article you have it is the Repository file.


Could you Private Message me the Case Number you had with support?  I want to take a look.




3.4K Posts

March 22nd, 2023 12:00

Hello tomatthe1,


Some of those images are to small for me to see on the private message.

Could you obscure any personal information on the images and post them here in our thread?




3.4K Posts

March 22nd, 2023 12:00

Hello tomatthe1,


Yes I received the case number. Thank you.


How did you create the base line?

17 Posts

March 22nd, 2023 12:00

Repo setup using dell default online repo.




17 Posts

March 22nd, 2023 13:00

It has my vCenter listed, and I hit the browse button, which the only cluster I can select is the one containing the two host which I am managing with the plugin.
Drift detection I pick a few times/days.



3.4K Posts

March 22nd, 2023 13:00

Hello tomatthe1,


If you use Update Manager to make a baseline and you use the Dell Online catalog as your template, OMEVV will ignore it.

It is because the dell online catalog is already used by OMEVV.

What you want would work if you select the ESXi or VSAN catalog.

which would be:









17 Posts

March 22nd, 2023 13:00

After setting up the repo, i used the Baseline Profile options directly above the repo profile option.
In the wizard, Name the profile, on the next screen it only has the option to check a box for "Firmware Repository Profile" when you check that box i then selected the repository profile I had created.

17 Posts

March 22nd, 2023 13:00

I can then go to the Baseline Compliance option and see the cluster/profile I had setup. I have applied all updates, so it shows compliant right now.

At that point I thought I should be able to convert this cluster to using image based updates, and select the profile I had created for it but I do not get that option listed after picking the Dell OMEVV took for the Hardware piece.


I'm very much fighting with this forum on trying to post pictures etc, but it keeps giving me an unexpected error message and then the 30s pause between posting etc so taking me a bit to get the message here.

17 Posts

March 22nd, 2023 14:00

If you don't mind keeping this open until I can work on things a bit further tomorrow it would be appreciated.

17 Posts

March 23rd, 2023 05:00

I setup the repo pointing to the esxi file as you mentioned,


Attached it to the cluster I want to switch to image based patching, but I still don't see any options when I pick the OMEVV plugin while working through the image setup process.


I looked at things through OME and the esxi and dell patch repos look to be very similar if not identical.  Is there something that explains the differences there?


What i'm trying to get setup is to not have to work with the OMEVV plugin or OME directly at all anymore.  My understanding was I could attach the profile I created during the lifecycle manager image setup process and from then on Lifecycle manager would allow me to patch bios/firmware etc.  I'd seen a few videos of this process, but always using the older tools.


Please advise if you have any further thoughts, or if you would like to see some verification of what I have done to ensure i'm doing it correctly.



3.4K Posts

March 23rd, 2023 05:00

Hello tomatthe1,


I will have to research more on this and update you.


You may try calling Support 1-800-945-3355 and ask for Systems Management Team and an engineer should be able to do a remote session with you.  The forum is not set up for that type engagement.

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