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November 2nd, 2021 01:00

Virtual Machine Remote Console through vpn + OpenManage Server Administrator Managed Node Fix

Hello all.
I had success to put together the fixes above after a few sleepless nights.


Dell PowerEdge T410 with PERC 6/i Raid 5
Vmware ESXI Dell OEM ver. 6.7
Microsoft L2TP vpn
OMSA both on VmWare and on RHEL

Step 1:
In order to fix the VMRC through vpn, you need to build a and install a new
certificate on ESXi using following these instructions:

When you connect the first time, (I connected to ESXi through a Microsoft vpn) you will get a warning message from VMRC.
Say yes to all, and you got it.

Step 2:

I used the following software:

On the Dell T410:

VMware-VMvisor-Installer-6.7.0.update03-17700523.x86_64-DellEMC_Customized-A14.iso - from Dell web site - OMSA vib extension from Dell web site

Install the 2 packages above on the phisical server.

On a RHEL8 Virtual machine inside the T410: - Developer edition from Red Hat web site
OM-SrvAdmin-Dell-Web-LX- - OMSA for RHEL installer from Dell web site

Install RHEL on a phisical o virtual machine on your network.
Install and run the OMSA for RHEL. The install script will fail saying that the OS is unsupported.
Open and remark out the following lines:

# echo "Unsupported Server... OpenManage ${OM_VERSION} installation cannot continue.. Exiting !!"
# exit 1

Run again
This time will work. It will complain for some missing libraries.
Install them using yum.
Complete the installation et voila`.
Connect to your RHEL 8 web browser using https://localhost:1311,
issue ip address, root userid and password of the ESXi server and you will have OMSA available.
This is the only way I could make OMSA working. The OMSA for Windows does not talk to ESXi
for an handshaking problem related to TLS1.1.



2 Posts

November 5th, 2021 10:00

It works also on CentOS 8.

Instead of RHEL 8 I used the following package:

No Events found!
