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1 Rookie


2 Posts


April 29th, 2024 14:56

RAID virtual disks not detected when installing ubuntu 20.04 server

I have a PowerEdge R760 with:

- 8 SATA/SSD 1.8TB disks

- 2 SATA/SSD 500GB disks

Using idrac 9, PERC H965i (RAID Controller in SL 3) controller:

- The eight 1.8 disks have been grouped in a RAID10 virtual disk

- The two 500GB disks have been grouped in a RAID1 virtual disk

The idrac interface does not show any issue.

When trying to install ubuntu 20.04 server from PXE boot, the installer can not find any disks ("Block probing did not discover any disks. Unfortunately this means that installation will not be possible").

I tried to "play" with the bios setup (NVMe and SATA configuration), but with no success.

What would be your advice ?

Note: I did not setup the PXE server, but I can reach the person maintaining it.



8.5K Posts

April 29th, 2024 19:07



If you can boot to the raid controller, and see the drives from there , then the issue is likely due to the driver needed for the controller.  I would also look at making sure the server is up-to-date on the BIOS, iDrac, H965i, and drives (if available). 

Lastly, is there anyone onsite that can do the installation locally, to eliminate  possible variables?


Let me know.


1 Rookie


2 Posts

April 30th, 2024 08:21

Hi Chris,

Thanks for your answer.

I tried to install ubuntu server 24.04 from a usb key and it worked out without any glitch. I do not know if it is the newer ubuntu version or the usb install which did the trick, but it worked.




3.2K Posts

April 30th, 2024 13:25

Thank you

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