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1 Rookie


52 Posts


December 27th, 2023 20:42

PowerVault MD3600f RAID module failure - how to replace?

Hey all -

We had a power outage the other day and while most of our infrastructure took it in stride, one of our instances did not - and we lost one of the RAID modules in our PowerVault MD3600f. I have since ordered a few cold spares and am now looking to swap out the bad one with a good one, but I'm not sure how, and the documentation was a little sparse on the details, so I thought I'd ask:

  1. Can I do it live? Or do I need to shut down everything and swap them out with the machine cold?
  2. How does it handle firmware differences between the still-good module and the replacement?




3.1K Posts

December 28th, 2023 02:45



You can do it live, but you still have to stop all IO. I would recommend planning a downtime as may involve firmware updates. We're not sure what is the firmware of both the replacement module and the active module. Here's the firmware update instruction and requirements Dell PowerVault MD 32/36 Series Storage Controller Firmware and NVSRAM firmware version | Driver Details | Dell US, you can check the Important Information and Installation instructions for further reference. 

1 Rookie


52 Posts

December 30th, 2023 22:47

So I guess I'm having a bit of a problem with my replacement unit. When I slot it in there, it doesn't show up in the manager or anything - my guess is that it's not picking up the appropriate IP address and likely isn't associated with my unit right now - it doesn't get DHCP (i might be able to change that) and it has no idea what configuration or unit it's supposed to connect to. There isn't a guide on how to swap these things out?



3.1K Posts

January 2nd, 2024 02:51



You can refer to the deployment documentation here:, probably the controller IP is using the default IP: or 

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