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3 Posts


July 12th, 2023 05:00

SCG VE self-signed certificate on port 443 (not 8443, 9443, 5700)

Hi everyone,

Can you tell me how to replace self-signed certificate on port 443.

I found only official instructions for ports  9443, 5700 but it is not enough.


Thats how it looks for now:

openssl s_client -connect {scg_ip_ardess}:443

Certificate chain
0 s:/C=US/ST=AnyState/L=AnyCity/O=Default ConnectEMC Server Certificate/OU=Initial Install Use Only/CN=*.yourdomain
1 s:/C=US/ST=Massachusetts/L=Westborough/O=EMC/OU=ConnectEMC/CN=


Thanks for any advice






8.5K Posts

July 12th, 2023 09:00



Would you clarify what you are trying to accomplish specifically? I ask as there shouldn't be a need to change the certificate on port 443, as you don't access SCG with that port, 443 is only used by SCG itself. 

Hence why I need more context, as I don't think there is a way to replace the cert on port 443, unless replacing the cert for port 5700 does that too, but I  assume you already tried that.


Let me know.





3 Posts

July 12th, 2023 23:00

Hi Chris,

It's about a vulnerability scan contest on all ports used by the SCG. For now, we use the following ports: 8443, 9443, 5700, 443. For the first three, we managed to change according to the instructions. Unfortunately, for the last one, i.e. 443, I do not see such a possibility and unfortunately we have it detected in vulnerability scans.



3.4K Posts

July 13th, 2023 04:00


I don't see a way to replace this port, anyway I will ask internally to technical support and in case it will be possible I can keep you update.


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