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April 15th, 2024 12:34

Dell vostro 3520 Laptop does not wake up from sleep or suspend on linux mint 21.3

Vostro 3520

Vostro 3520

I've installed Linux mint 21.3 single boot on the above brand new Dell Laptop (it came with win 11 pre-installed).
When I close the lid, or let it go to sleep, or click on suspend, the only way to bring it back to live is booting it by pressing and holding the on/off button for several seconds. Neither the mouse nor any keyboard key will get it out of the sleep/suspend mode.
Things I've tried so fare:
[*] Flashed the Bios to the latest version 1.22
[*] Installed all updates including drivers
[*] Looked for similar issues on the Dell Support site and browsed the internet without any fruitful result
[*] Read previous posts and recommended on this site,but I still can't get it to wake up

I can eliminate a hardware issue for sure, for this behavior did not occur on the win11 before I flashed the hard drive clean.

Based on the lines in the system log, it appears the hard drive is waking the system:

17:26:47 אפר 13 avi-Vostro-3520 kernel: ata1.00: Entering standby power mode
אפר 13 17:27:22 avi-Vostro-3520 kernel: ata1: SATA link up 6.0 Gbps (SStatus 133 SControl 300)
אפר 13 17:27:22 avi-Vostro-3520 kernel: ata1.00: Entering active power mode

This does not make seance at all...



16.8K Posts

April 19th, 2024 06:58

To receive assistance from Dell chat support, they need to verify the warranty status and ownership. Then you must troubleshoot with them.  Click the "Get Help Now" icon on the right to start a live chat session. If already out of warranty, click here for the Dell out of warranty offering.

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