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This post is more than 5 years old



December 15th, 2009 22:00

SAMSUNG 256 gb SSD Firmware Update for Windows 7 TRIM?

Does anyone have an idea how to get the updated Firmware for the Samsung 256gb SSD?  My current firmware is VMB19D1Q - which does not support TRIM.  I have reached out to Samsung who sends me back to Dell and Dell seems not to know when Samsung is releasing the firmware.  I have a copy of an email where a Samsung person says the firmware for this drive has been released to Dell.  Any assistance - please ?  When paying this much money for these drives - I did not expect them to have flaws before I purcahsed.


8 Posts

October 15th, 2010 07:00

I just found this firmware, for the PM800 maybe it works?

October 19th, 2010 00:00

90% sure it will since it's the drive firmware that matters most - the only issue might be whether the Lenovo can put the drive into the right SATA/AHCI mode but I'd imagine it would.

You need to take full backups as part of the process anyhow, since your drive will be wiped as part of the upgrade. For the most part, if the upgrade can't be done it fails at the start anyway and leaves yoru drive alone. If by some chance it failed during running you could end up with a bricked drive. I reckon that chance is fairly slim though.

Many thanks to your description! It's comprehensive.

4 Posts

October 20th, 2010 23:00


thanks, but no go...  i downloaded it, and it only supports these firmware versions.









1 Message

January 10th, 2011 17:00

Here is somewhat of an update from Samsung.  I contacted them directly after all of the Dell representives said they did not know about a Samsung FW update for this drive.  Note that the only way for the drive to be updated is by sending back to the manufacturer.  This is something that I believe Dell should address directly.  As of now, every tech I speak with does not know about the drive or Firmware.  I was hoping this would be a good forum to get in touch with Dell with an accurate response.


Thank you for your inquiry to Samsung Semiconductor.

Again, we did not sell that type of drive to general customer on the market as explained earlier. Please send us your proof of invoice as you commented. We´ll review your source of purchase and provide the service accordingly.

As explained, VBM19D1Q FW drive can not be updated to Trim FW because it configured as DELL specific design. The only way to update the FW is we have to reset the drive in the factory.

And I´m supervising all of SSD technical support in Samsung US and please contact in here if you have any further question.

If you have any further questions, please send us more question again or visit our Homepage(

Semiconductor Business
Samsung Electronics Co,.Ltd.

It's very valuable, Thanks for your analysis! This is what I'm looking for.
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