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October 26th, 2012 06:00

Cannot add vCentre to Dell Plugin after upgrade to

Hi there,

I have upgraded my (Dell plugin for vcenter) virtual appliance to version - and I now cannot add a new vcenter. 

Initially i thought it was a problem with the upgrade, so removed my existing connections, now when i re-add - I get:

'Could not contact the given vCenter server due to wrong credentials. Check the username and password.'

I know this account is administrator, as I used it in the previous version. (this is an AD Account - we don't use local accounts)


October 26th, 2012 08:00

so actually, in the 5 minutes since posting this i have actually resolved it.

Followed these instructions to unregister the plugin:

then re-registered using the format, it worked

October 26th, 2012 06:00

OK, if i use the format rather than domain\username it gets further - but i now get an error:

A Dell Management Plug-in is already registered. Register with another vCenter, or contact the administrator to remove the already registered Plug-in.

how do i unregister the plugin?

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