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July 10th, 2012 19:00

Trouble "testing connection" for DELL Vcenter Plugin



I am running ESXi 5.0 build:  721882.   When I attempt to configure the deployment wizard I get an error "Fail - Unable to contact IDRAC.  Check IDRAC credentials, or network connectivity"

I am not sure if this is related to OMSA agent not running or what.  I am VERY NEW to ESXi so any instructions, please be as verbose as possible.  

1) I downloaded the bits and imported the ovf to my ESXi server and as part of the install process I thought I read that the OMSA agent would be installed automatically for 11g servers.  (I am running a Dell R815 server)


Can someone recommend how to troubleshoot this issue?  I can connect to the idrac via the web and updated the idrac to the latest 1.90 version.  I have also verified the host credentials as I use those to connect via the vcenter client to the server.  I am sure the passwords are correct for both the idrac and the host.


I've done the reinstall multiple times 


Again very new to ESXi so please be as detailed as possible in your instructions...till I can shed my training wheels.  :)   Screen shot of error below.



40 Posts

July 10th, 2012 22:00

I found the solution and it was the OMSA was not installed.  I downloaded the zip and installed from the update manager in the vmwware client and connectivity test passed.  

40 Posts

July 10th, 2012 19:00

I also tried the hostname instead of the IP and that still fails.

7 Posts

July 24th, 2012 07:00

Do you know if it solved the problem with iDRAC credentials as well. My hosts pass but I get a failed message under iDrac Credentials: Fail - Unable to contact iDRAC. Check iDRAC credentials, or network connectivity.

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