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June 9th, 2015 21:00

Foglight Tempalte

I just deployed the Foglight template and it looks like it's using a deprecated OS. Did I just happen to download the wrong one or are they really that behind?

June 22nd, 2015 08:00


It looks like you are running the free version of Foglight for Virtualization Standard (FVS). The Enterprise Edition appliance is based in a newer OS (OpenSUSE 13).

Here is the official statement from Dell on FVS support.

"Dell is committed to supporting Foglight for Virtualization, Standard Edition (vKernel) by keeping the existing product functionality current with respect to hypervisor support and defect fixes.  Our longer term strategy is to deliver a new, more robust and scalable platform for Standard Edition that will be built on the award winning Foglight platform.   We have already taken popular Standard Edition features like optimizer and change analyzer and brought them to the Foglight platform with even greater functionality.  In addition, we will soon deliver enhanced capacity planning functionality built on the core Standard Edition / vKernel functionality.   When the core functionality of Standard Edition is fully available on the Foglight platform, Dell will offer a migration plan to the next generation Standard Edition."

I hope this answers your question,


June 19th, 2015 12:00


Could you please clarify what template (vApp) did you download? is it Foglight for Virtualization Enterprise or the Standard release??



June 19th, 2015 12:00

Just wanted to verify, did you download it from here

Or some other location?


August 21st, 2015 06:00

A platform that does not take it's trial, demo or community versions seriously is not a platform worth considering.

August 21st, 2015 06:00

September 12th, 2015 09:00

Any intentions of upgrading the free version to a current distribution?

Any recommendations as to upgrading it myself?

September 14th, 2015 08:00

Hi Mhammett-ICS,

For the time being, there are no plans to upgrade the OS for the free version of FVS. As pointed out before, there is a long term plan to provide a new, more robust and scalable platform for FVS.

About the OS upgrade, you can try upgrading OpenSuse using

I recommend you do a full backup of your virtual machine before doing it and test everything is working before deleting the backup.

I hope that helps


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