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13 Posts


April 1st, 2021 07:00

iSCSI datastore doesn't auto mount after a reboot when management network configured as a DHCP client

I am setting up ESXi 7.0U2 but also testing on 7.0U1

I noticed that after a reboot, datastores mounted over iSCSI were not being mounted automatically.  The dynamic target was still there but the static targets were gone.  I had to perform a rescan for ESXi to find and mount the iSCSI datastore.

After some investigation I found the following entry in the log pointing to a DNS resolution issue:


2021-04-01T12:23:21Z iscsid: discovery_sendtargets::Running discovery on IFACE default(iscsi_vmk) target (drec.transport=iscsi_vmk)
2021-04-01T12:23:21Z iscsid: Cannot resolve host getaddrinfo error: [Temporary failure in name resolution]
2021-04-01T12:23:21Z iscsid: cannot resolve host name



After some testing I discovered that the problem was to do with running the management network as a DHCP client.  If I change to a static network, I don't have the problem and the iSCSI datastores are mounted on boot.  The issue seems to be with the extra lag in getting an IP when using DHCP.

I have a couple of options:

1) Switch to static IP

2) Stay on DHCP and run 'esxcfg-swiscsi -s' from, which gets round the issue.

What are best practices for the management interface?  Should I always be running static IPs on the management interface?  I've always ran static IPs in the past but like the convenience of DHCP.


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