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1 Rookie


1 Message


May 14th, 2024 11:51

Headphone doesnt recognized if pluged in after post boot

I am experiencing an issue with my laptop where it only recognizes headphones when they are connected before the laptop starts. If I connect the headphones after the laptop has already started, it does not recognize them at all. This issue persists even though the headphones work perfectly on other devices, indicating that the problem is specific to the laptop. The problematic behavior started on a fresh installation of Windows 11, and the headphones are identified as Realtek(R) Device when connected.

Behavior and Irritating Aspects:

  1. Persistent Non-Detection: The laptop fails to detect the headphones if they are plugged in post-boot, which is particularly frustrating as it limits flexibility in using the device.
  2. Necessity for Reboots: Currently, the only workaround is to restart the laptop with the headphones already plugged in, which is impractical and time-consuming.
  3. Impact on Functionality: This issue significantly affects my daily use and productivity, as the laptop is a crucial tool for my work.

Solutions Tried:

  1. Driver Updates: Updated Realtek audio drivers via Device Manager.
  2. Sound Settings: Attempted to set headphones as default audio device, but they do not show up unless connected before boot.
  3. Audio Enhancements: Disabled all audio enhancements.
  4. Audio Services Restart: Restarted "Windows Audio" and "Windows Audio Endpoint Builder" services.
  5. Hardware Testing: Confirmed that headphones function correctly with other computers and phones.
  6. Troubleshooters: Ran Windows' built-in troubleshooter for playing audio, which failed to recognize the headphones.
  7. BIOS and Windows Updates: Checked that BIOS is up-to-date and Windows 11 is fully updated.
  8. Registry Edits: Removed UpperFilters and LowerFilters registry values associated with the audio device.
  9. System Resets: Performed multiple system resets, a total of five times, with no resolution to the issue.

Additional Context:

I prefer not to use external devices such as USB sound cards or audio adapters, as portability is crucial for my work. I am seeking a solution that allows for the normal functionality of connecting headphones at any time without requiring a system reboot or external hardware.



16.8K Posts

May 21st, 2024 07:46

To receive assistance from Dell chat support, they need to verify the warranty status and ownership. Then you must troubleshoot with them.  Click the "Get Help Now" icon on the right to start a live chat session. If already out of warranty, click here for the Dell out of warranty offering.

1 Rookie


1 Message

June 14th, 2024 10:14

For about one month, I have been experiencing exactly the same issue, though under Windows 10. I suspect this started after one of the recent BIOS updates. Unfortunately, the last BIOS update that I ran an hour ago has not cured this malfunction. 

I do not expect an individual warranty service from Dell but a general revision of the changes made in the recent BIOS updates. 

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