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This post is more than 5 years old


December 2nd, 2017 04:00

XPS13 Win10 dual boot "raid" issue (solved)

New XPS13 with Win10 factory install

I've shrunk the windows partition,

Changed boot sequence to Ubuntu/Windows, Left boot list options at "UEFI" Turned off "fast start", Have Enable UEFI Network stack checked.

Had to change SATA Operation from RAID-On to AHCI to have the linux installer see my partition.

Successfully installed LinuxMint 18 and grub menu. 

However...   Linux will only boot if I go into bios and change SATA operation to AHCI.  Windows will only boot if the SATA operation is set to RAID-on

Any help and/or workarounds is greatly appreciated.

(solved)  Here's what worked for me to change from RAID to AHCI:

9 Legend


87.5K Posts

December 2nd, 2017 09:00

2 Posts

December 3rd, 2017 03:00

Appreciate the quick response.  However this link was for moving to RAID from AHCI.  I need to go the other way.  I did find the answer that worked for me here:

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