DX Monitor Nagios 1.0.0

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Dell DX6000, DX Monitoring Nagios, 1.0.0

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DX Cluster Monitoring using open source Nagios.
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1.0.0, 1.0.0


20 Juli 2012






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This package installs and enables DX monitoring via Nagios.
DX Monitoring via Nagios Version 1.0
DX Monitoring via Nagios Plugin install instructions. (Version 1.0.0)

The DXMonitorNagios bundle contains nagios open source packages in RHEL5 directory. The corresponding source rpms are in the SOURCES directory. Both the rpms and sources were obtained from the following locations:

NOTE: DXMonitorNagios1.0.0 is supported on RHEL5.5 for the CSN2.1.1 bundle *only*.

Installation instructions:
1. Download the latest version of DXMonitorNagios package from http://support.dell.com under the DX6000 product.

2. Copy the zip file to /opt/dell directory on your CSN.

3. unzip DX Monitor Nagios zip.

# cd /opt/dell
# unzip DXMonitorNagios1.0.0.zip

4. change the directory to DXMonitorNagios

# cd DXMonitorNagios1.0.0

5. Run the DX Monitor Nagios installer

# ./DXMonitor-Nagios-install.sh

5.1 Provide your email address to receive DX monitoring notification emails.
5.2 Provide your SMTP email server address or DNS name.
5.3 The installer will install and configure DX Monitoring service using Nagios.
5.4 Once configuration is complete it will send you a test email to the email address you provided. Once you receive the email, enter 'yes' to confirm correct installation and configuration and to exit the installer program.


NOTE: DO NOT change the preconfigured Nagios configuration files.

The DX Monitor preconfigures the Nagios web console to run on HTTP port 9090, with a default username and password of nagiosadmin and dell, respectively.

1. Enter http://localhost:9090/nagios in your web browser to login to the Nagios web console.
2. Click the Current Status -> Services tab in the Nagios web console to list and monitor all preconfigured DX Services.
3. For information on Nagios usage, click the General -> Documentation tab.
4. The installer has preconfigured all of the settings required for DX Cluster monitoring and notification. The Nagios configuration files are installed in the /etc/nagios directory.

Using DX Monitoring via Nagios:
1. Login in Nagios web console using "http://localhost:9090/nagios" address with username "nagiosadmin" and default password "dell".
2. Click "Current Status -> Services" in Nagios web console to list and monitor all DX services. DXMonitorNagios will pre configure Nagios services to monitor your DX cluster including CSN services.
3. Check DX Monitor Nagios Admin Guide for more information.

NOTE: Do NOT change the Nagios configuration files preconfigured to manage your DX cluster.

Uninstall instructions:

1. Run the DX Monitoring uninstaller to remove all packages and configuration files from the CSN.

# cd /opt/dell/DXMonitorNagios1.0.0
# ./DXMonitor-Nagios-remove.sh

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